Sustainability, Infrastructure, and Development Committee Minutes

Council Chambers
Members Present:
  • K. Redman, 
  • D. Craig, 
  • R. Deutschmann, 
  • J. Erb, 
  • S. Foxton, 
  • M. Harris, 
  • C. Huinink, 
  • C. James, 
  • D. McCabe, 
  • J. Nowak, 
  • N. Salonen, 
  • B. Vrbanovic, 
  • K. Williams, 
  • and P. Wolf 
Members Absent:
  • J. Liggett 
  • and S. Shantz 

Should you require an alternative format or a copy of the official minutes please contact the Regional Clerk at Tel.: 519-575-4400, TTY: 519-575-4605, or

Start time is approximate. The Sustainability, Infrastructure, and Development Committee will start immediately following Community and Health Services.

Chair C. James called the meeting to order at 4:43 p.m.

Chair C. James provided a land acknowledgement.

Chair C. James recognized the work done by Regional as well as Kitchener Public Library staff pertaining to a circular economy and food waste event from the Municipal Waste Association for Promotion & Education. 

M. Harris joined the meeting at 4:50 PM. ()
  • Moved byN. Salonen
    Seconded byR. Deutschmann

    WHEREAS the Region of Waterloo is in the process of completing the purchase of a 160-acre farm in Wilmot Township (the Farm) as part of an industrial land strategy (the Land Assembly) and subject to the Region’s confidentiality obligations.

    AND WHEREAS the Region of Waterloo recently plowed under the corn crop on the Farm, which was estimated to be 5 or 6 weeks away from harvest (the Event),

    AND WHEREAS this Event appears to be in direct contradiction to the Region of Waterloo’s Strategic Plan 2023-2027 Growing with Care vision,

    AND WHEREAS this Event appears to conflict with the goals in the Province’s Grow Ontario: a provincial agri-food strategy,

    THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Region of Waterloo commits to ensuring, with respect to crops on any further farms purchased through the Land Assembly, that the first consideration will be assessing whether the crop can be harvested, and a suitable use found for the yield, and that the outcome of such assessment will be provided to Regional Council before any action is taken;

    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Regional Council receives a report within 4 weeks of this motion outlining what occurred including what actions were taken to mitigate the loss of crops with respect to the Event, and that this report be made public and subject to the Region’s confidentiality obligations.

    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, going forward, Regional Council will be provided with advance notice of any further work occurring on the lands purchased by the Region of Waterloo through this Land Assembly.

    In Favor (14)B. Vrbanovic, J. Erb, J. Nowak, K. Redman, M. Harris, S. Foxton, D. McCabe, D. Craig, P. Wolf, C. James, R. Deutschmann, N. Salonen, C. Huinink, and K. Williams
    Carried (14 to 0)

Tova Davidson, Executive Director, Sustainable Waterloo Region, provided a presentation regarding an update to the community for sustainability. She outlined various programs her organization has in place and are implementing throughout the region, including planting trees and other climate action. T. Davidson spoke to the Transform WR progress dashboard which is in place for public reporting on action and progress.

In reply to a question from Committee, T. Davidson spoke to employment in the organization and various challenges that the organization faces.

Kim Schaner, Secretary, WSCC 556 - Arrow Lofts Condominium, spoke to the issues around their building as it relates to the cycling lane change proposals on the Benton-Frederick corridor. While in support of enhancing bike lanes generally, her organization expressed concerns regarding the accommodation of service vehicles.

In reply to questions from Committee, K. Schaner expressed that her organization has been in conversation with Regional staff to some extent, but that staff had not specifically reached out.

J. Nowak left the meeting at 5:04 PM. ()

Tiffany Cassidy explained that members of her community, including herself, were going to be seeking action related to what is being presented, and so is very pleased action is being taken pertaining to the Benton-Frederick Corridor study. She provided a presentation that looked at the facilities and crossing areas affected by the study. A reason the community is excited about the change is due to the danger inherent in crossing in the area.

Priya Soundararajan spoke to the proposed cycling improvements for Benton-Frederick corridor. She expressed support due various benefits that could come out of the improvements. She asked that the Region explore more bike lanes in the area, including improvements to sidewalks, and for this to be done in phase 1 of the project. P. Soundararajan asked that 3 separate bike lanes be considered for improved space and access. She expressed support of a petition brought forward by a member of the public regarding enhancements, which outlined measures to reduce speeds and otherwise protect cyclists.

Linda Jutzi, Executive Director of the Downtown Kitchener Business Improvement Area, thanked Regional staff for exploring improvements to waste management in the area. She explained she visited other municipalities to see how a new waste management system works elsewhere. L. Jutzi expressed that she and other organizations are engaged in efforts to improve the waste management in the downtown Kitchener area. She further outlined the various issues she and her organization have observed as it relates to waste in downtown Kitchener. L. Jutzi called for greater collaboration between both levels of municipal government and her organization.

In response to questions from Committee, L. Jutzi described the programs her organizations supports as it relates to waste management and the downtown cleaning team in Kitchener. She expressed the importance of people coming downtown and not having to be exposed to garbage directly, and the implications of going from 6 days a week to 2 days a week garbage pick-up schedule, and that it is not a one-size-fits-all model.

In reply to a question from Committee, L. Jutzi delineated the jurisdiction and mandate of her organization.

Jeyas Balaskanthan, Executive Director at the Uptown Waterloo Business Improvement area, spoke to the needs of the downtown Waterloo business core as it pertains to waste collection and management. He asked that the Region conduct more than 2 day a week pick-up in the downtown Waterloo area, and engage with downtown Waterloo businesses to better understand what their needs are.

In reply to questions from Committee, J. Balaskanthan spoke to the budgeting and business model for his organization. He further answered that numbers described within the report to Council may not necessarily reflect the true nature of downtown waste collection, and that collecting more data would be favourable.

In response to a question from Committee, J. Balaskanthan explained that other municipalities' waste management programs have been faster compared to Waterloo Region, but that his organization is doing their part to try and assist in improving the downtown waste management program.

Tom Strickland, Board member, Cycle Waterloo Region spoke on behalf of Patrick Bergsma. His organization strongly supports the Benton-Frederick Corridor plan, phases 1 & 2. He is pleased with the reduction of car lanes which will result in slower speeds.

His organization recommends the use of physically separated bike lanes instead of paint, to better reduce car speeding. In terms of cost, his organization believes the addition of concrete barriers should be implemented and will remain within the budget. Furthermore, phase 2 elements have been heavily delayed in the past 10+ years.

Secondly, his organization recommends completing the  phase 1 work over the whole corridor, including Charles to Weber. Giving a gap in the middle will reduce cyclists in the corridor, thus enhancing safety.

There were no requests to remove items from the Consent Agenda.

  • Moved byP. Wolf
    Seconded byN. Salonen

    That the Consent Agenda items be received for information and approved.

    In Favor (13)B. Vrbanovic, J. Erb, K. Redman, M. Harris, S. Foxton, D. McCabe, D. Craig, P. Wolf, C. James, R. Deutschmann, N. Salonen, C. Huinink, and K. Williams
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved byP. Wolf
    Seconded byN. Salonen

    That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo approve the proposed changes on Benton Street (Regional Road #6) from Courtland Avenue (Regional Road # 53) to Charles Street (Regional Road # 64) and on Frederick Street (Regional Road #6) from Weber Street (Regional Road #8) to Lancaster Street (Regional Road #29) as outlined in Report TSD-TRP-24-009 dated August 13, 2024:

    1. Repurpose the road space by reducing the travel lanes from four lanes to two lanes and add painted reserved single directional bicycle lanes.
    2. Upon construction, amend the Traffic and Parking by-law 16-023;
      • Add to Schedule 22 - Reserved Lanes, Benton Street (Regional Road 6), from Courtland Avenue (Regional Road 53) to Charles Street (Regional Road 64), Both Sides, Anytime, Bicycles;
      • Add to Schedule 22 - Reserved Lanes, Frederick Street (Regional Road 6) from Weber Street (Regional Road 8) to Lancaster Street (Regional Road 29), Both Sides, Anytime, Bicycles;
      • Remove from Schedule 1 – No Parking, Benton Street (Regional Road 6), from Courtland Avenue (Regional Road 53) to King Street, South Side, Anytime;
      • Remove from Schedule 1 – No Parking, Frederick Street (Regional Road 6), from King Street to Bruce Street (Regional Road 61), South Side, Anytime;
      • Remove from Schedule 1 – No Parking, Frederick Street (Regional Road 6), from King Street to Duke Street (Regional Road 63), North Side, Anytime;
      • Remove from Schedule 1 – No Parking, Frederick Street (Regional Road 6), from Duke Street (Regional Road 63) to Weber Street (Regional Road 8), North Side, Anytime Except Sunday 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.;
      • Remove from Schedule 1 – No Parking, Frederick Street (Regional Road 6), from Weber Street (Regional Road 8) to Bruce Street (Regional Road 61), North Side, Anytime;
      • Add to Schedule 1 – No Parking, Benton Street (Regional Road 6), from Courtland Avenue (Regional Road 53) to King Street, Both Sides, Anytime;
      • Add to Schedule 1 – No Parking, Frederick Street (Regional Road 6), from King Street to Bruce Street (Regional Road 61), Both Sides, Anytime;
      • Remove from Schedule 7 – No Stopping, Benton Street (Regional Road 6), from Courtland Avenue (Regional Road 53) to King Street, North Side, Anytime;
      • Remove from Schedule 7 – No Stopping, Frederick Street (Regional Road 6), from King Street to 38.5m east of King Street, South Side, Anytime;
      • Remove from Schedule 7 – No Stopping, Frederick Street (Regional Road 6), from King Street to Duke Street (Regional Road 63), North Side, 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday to Friday;
      • Remove from Schedule 7 – No Stopping, Frederick Street (Regional Road 6), from 38.5m east of King Street to Duke Street (Regional Road 63), South Side, 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday to Friday;
      • Remove from Schedule 7 – No Stopping, Frederick Street (Regional Road 6), from Duke Street (Regional Road 63) to Weber Street (Regional Road 8), Both Sides, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday to Friday;
      • Remove from Schedule 7 – No Stopping, Frederick Street (Regional Road 6), from Weber Street (Regional Road 8) to Otto Street, Both Sides, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday to Friday; and
      • Remove from Schedule 7 – No Stopping, Frederick Street (Regional Road 6), from Otto Street to Lancaster Street (Regional Road 29), Both Sides, Anytime.


        That staff be directed to:

    3. Develop a long-term plan for separated cycling facilities along the Benton-Frederick corridor and for improved pedestrian and cycling access to the Frederick ION station, to be implemented as part of the future reconstruction of Benton Street and Frederick Street.
  • Moved byP. Wolf
    Seconded byN. Salonen

    That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo amend the Traffic and Parking By-law 16-023, as amended, to add to Schedule 1 (No Parking), No Parking Anytime on both sides of Snyder’s Road East (Regional Road 6) from 1.2 km east of Notre Dame Road (Regional Road 12) to 1.8 km west of Trussler Road, in the Township of Wilmot as outlined in Report TSD-TRP-24-011, dated August 13, 2024.




The Committee agreed to defer the remaining items until August 28th, 2024, and adjourned with unanimous consent.