WHEREAS the Region of Waterloo’s Countryside Line is a boundary that protects the cultural, economic, and environmental heritage of our rural lands from the pressures of urban sprawl, and
WHEREAS, the Countryside Line protects the distinctiveness of rural communities from annexation for suburban residential expansion, and
WHEREAS, Regional Council acknowledges and understands the importance of our rural communities and the contributions particularly with food security, green space and economic development, and
WHEREAS as long as Bill 23 has not yet received Royal Assent and therefore is not in force, and
WHEREAS the existing and unchanged policy 2.C.3.3 allows the Region to adjust an Urban Area boundary at any time not just during a comprehensive review
THEREFORE be it resolved that Council reaffirm the concept of no new residential areas in the countryside line and it directs staff to explore removing the equivalent amount of land, 70ha, from the urban area and adjusting the countryside accordingly in order to compensate for the Province’s forced expansion.