Regional Council Minutes

Council Chambers
Members Present:
  • K. Redman, 
  • D. Craig, 
  • R. Deutschmann, 
  • J. Erb, 
  • S. Foxton, 
  • M. Harris, 
  • C. Huinink, 
  • C. James, 
  • J. Liggett, 
  • D. McCabe, 
  • J. Nowak, 
  • N. Salonen, 
  • S. Shantz, 
  • B. Vrbanovic, 
  • K. Williams, 
  • and P. Wolf 

Should you require an alternative format or a copy of the official minutes please contact the Regional Clerk at Tel.: 519-575-4400, TTY: 519-575-4605, or

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Regional Chair K. Redman called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.

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Regional Chair K. Redman provided a land acknowledgement.

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Regional Chair K. Redman noted that an item related to labour relations and another item regarding personal matters related to an identifiable individual will be added to the closed agenda. 

  • Moved byC. James
    Seconded byP. Wolf

    That a closed meeting of Council be held on April 19, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. electronically, in accordance with Section 239 of the “Municipal Act, 2001”, for the purposes of considering the following subject matters:

    1. Education on Development Charges
    2. Litigation or potential litigation related to identified risks
    3. Receiving advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege related to pending litigation
    4. Labour Relations
    5. Personal matters about an identifiable individual
    Carried (16 to 0)
  • Moved byP. Wolf
    Seconded byN. Salonen

    That Council reconvene into Open Session.

    Carried (16 to 0)

R. Deutschmann declared an indirect conflict of interest with respect to the Community and Health Services Committee Summary, report CSD-CHS-23-001, Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) Growth Priority Areas as his spouse is the sole shareholder of a property where the only tenant is a daycare operator.

R. Deutschmann noted that he declared a direct pecuniary interest with respect to the third item on the closed agenda due to his employment and left the meeting while that item was discussed.

C. James declared a deemed pecuniary interest on the Planning and Works Committee summary, report PDL-ECD-23-006, Entrepreneurial Grants 2023. 

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D. Marskell, CEO, THEMUSEUM appeared before Council to provide a presentation on THEMUSEUM and their work, noting that it is their 20th anniversary. He highlighted the economic impact that they have on the Region and requested that the Region approve the staff recommendation to fund THEMUESUM. A copy of the presentation is appended to the original minutes.

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J. Jim, Organizer, Ground Up WR expressed her concerns with the lack of transparency regarding the KPMG staffing report for Waterloo Region Police Services (WRPS). She  highlighted that the full report was not publicly available until a month after the budget was approved and the summary did not disclose that a surplus was available for staffing. She asked for Council to reconsider the WRPS budget in light of the report. A copy of her written remarks are attached to the original minutes. 

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K. White appeared before Council to express his concerns with the KPMG report that was prepared for the WRPS and only made available to the public recently. He noted that the report recommended using budget surpluses to cover staffing costs. K. White further objected to an indication in the report that an increase in the diversity of the population equates to an increase in crime. He encouraged the Region to revisit the approval of the police budget. 

C. Sundberg appeared in opposition to the removal of the Lancaster Street ramps. She expressed her concerns with the lack of consultation and notice to the public. She highlighted that the ramps are being used by cars and that cyclist safety is not an issue at the ramp.  

In response to a question from Council, C. Sundberg noted that it would take a significantly longer time to access grocery stores from her neighbourhood and she expressed her worry that collisions on city streets would increase.  

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C. Kaudewitz appeared in opposition to the removal of the Lancaster Street ramps and stressed that painted bike lanes should be sufficient for cyclists, while closing the ramps will increase idling. He encouraged Council to consider only closing the southbound off ramp and leaving the northbound on ramp open. A copy of his written remarks is appended to the original minutes.

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V. Hand appeared as an avid cyclist and a singer in the philharmonic choir. She expressed her support for doing something to the Lancaster ramps to improve safety for cyclists. She further encouraged the Region to maintain the funding for the Grand Philharmonic Choir.

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P. Kaudewitz appeared in support of keeping the Lancaster Street ramps open. He noted that closing the ramps would cause issues elsewhere and that signage and painted lanes would be sufficient to ensure safety for cyclists. 

  • Moved byJ. Erb
    Seconded byP. Wolf

    That Council go into Committee of the Whole to consider reports.

    Carried (16 to 0)

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  • Moved byJ. Liggett
    Seconded byC. Huinink

    That the Finance Reports items be received for information and approved.

    Carried (16 to 0)

In response to a question from Council, J. Rose noted that staff can provide additional information on any future projects planned for Sawmill Road.  

  • Moved byJ. Liggett
    Seconded byC. Huinink

    That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo take the following action with respect to T2023-123 – Sawmill Road Reconstruction, River Street to Snyder’s Flats Road, Bloomingdale, Township of Woolwich, Ontario as set out in report COR-TRY-23-011 dated April 19, 2023:

    1. Accept the tender of Steed and Evans Ltd. in the amount of $5,167,000.00 plus all applicable taxes;


    2. Amend the capital budgets for project 05495 Sawmill Road, River Street to Snyder’s Flats Road and for project #07248 Sawmill Road at St. Charles Street, both as set out in Appendix A


    3. Approve an increase in project cost of $150,000 gross and $0 net to facilitate work undertaken on behalf of Township of Woolwich


  • Moved byJ. Liggett
    Seconded byC. Huinink

    That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo take the following action with respect to T2023-119 - Roundabout Construction Regional Road 86 (Line 86) at Regional Road 19 (Floradale Road) as set out in report COR-TRY-23-012 dated April 19, 2023:

    1. Accept the tender of Steed and Evans Ltd. in the amount of $3,831,000.00 plus all applicable taxes; and


    2. Increase the capital budget for Project 07558 Roundabout Construction Regional Road 86 (Line 86) at Regional Road 19 (Floradale Road) in the amount of $2,091,000 to be funded from the Regional Development Charges Reserve Fund

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  • Moved byC. James
    Seconded byP. Wolf

    1.    That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo reappoint Aird & Berlis LLP for a four (4) year term as the Integrity Commissioner for the Region of Waterloo, with all the responsibilities, powers and duties of an Integrity Commissioner as set out in the Municipal Act, 2001, for the period of June 1, 2023 to May 31, 2027, as set out in report PDL-CAS-23-001.

    2.    That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo amend By-law 23-009 (A By-law to Establish Fees and Charges for the Regional Municipality of Waterloo) to include new and adjusted Waterloo International Airport fees and charges as set out in report COR-CFN-23-017 dated April 4, 2023.

    3.    That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo take the following action with respect to 2023 property tax policies and rates as set out in Report COR-CFN-23-018 dated April 4, 2023:

    1.    Establish the following property class tax ratios for the 2023 property tax year:

    Residential and New Multi-residential  1.0000
    Multi-residential, Commercial and Industrial  1.9500
    Landfill  1.5400
    Pipeline  1.1613
    Farmland and Managed Forest   0.2500

    2.    Direct staff to prepare the necessary by-laws to establish the 2023 property class tax ratios and the resulting 2023 Regional property tax rates for Regional Council’s consideration on April 19, 2023;
    3.    Direct staff to report back in 2023 with a review of options for the multi-residential property class ratio in 2024 and beyond; and
    4.    Notify the Area Municipalities within Waterloo Region accordingly.

    4.    That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo approve the Municipal Accommodation Tax Investment Policy as outlined in report PDL-CUL-23-003 dated April 4, 2023.

    5.    That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo take the following action with respect to the 2022 Plan Update and Year End Financial Results as set out in report COR-CFN-23-020 dated April 4, 2023:

    1. Receive the 2022 Plan Update that shows implementation and progress toward achieving the vision set out by Council in the Strategic Plan 2019-2023;
    2. Approve the preliminary 2022 financial results for the purposes of preparing the Region’s 2022 Audited Financial Statements; and
    3. Apply the Surplus Allocation Policy to 2022 financial results.
    Carried (16 to 0)
  • Moved byJ. Erb
    Seconded byK. Williams
    1. That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo support a temporary public art installation along the ION Rapid Transit corridor and GRT bus route as part of the Contemporary Art Forum Kitchener and Area (CAFKA) biennial public art festival with funding up to $20,000 from the Public Art Reserve, as set out in report PDL-CUL-23-005, dated April 4, 2023.

    Carried (16 to 0)
  • Moved byJ. Erb
    Seconded byK. Williams

    2. That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo approve the recommended allocation of new licensed Child Care spaces related to the Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) growth mandate and the request for additional 997 Child Care spaces from the Ministry of Education to meet legislated population-based targets, as outlined in CSD-CHS-23-001, dated April 4, 2023.

    And that the Regional Municipality of Waterloo direct the Regional Chair to advocate with the Province of Ontario regarding the need for appropriate wages and benefits for Early Childhood Educators.

    And further that the Regional Municipality of Waterloo direct the Regional Chair to advocate with the Province of Ontario regarding sufficient funding for capital improvements for new and existing facilities that would address the need for additional child care spaces.

    **R. Deutschmann declared Conflict of Interest**

    Carried (15 to 0)

B. Vrbanovic requested that item 1 on the summary be taken separately on a recorded vote. Council discussed and debated the motion noting the impact that closing the ramps will have on the growing neighbourhood, the importance of improving safety for active transportation, and the objection to closing the ramps from the City of Kitchener. 

  • Moved byB. Vrbanovic
    Seconded byD. McCabe
    1. That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo:
      a) Endorse the permanent closure of both ramps at the Highway 85 and Lancaster Street interchange in the City of Kitchener as outlined in Report TSD-TRP-23-002, dated March 7, 2023;
      b) Direct staff to file the Notice of Completion of the Study and place the Environmental Study File on the public record for a period of 30 days; and
      c) Subject to final approval of the Environmental Assessment Study, forward a request to the Ministry of Transportation to include the removal of the ramps in an upcoming Highway reconstruction project.
    In Favor (8)J. Erb, K. Redman, D. McCabe, P. Wolf, C. James, R. Deutschmann, C. Huinink, and K. Williams
    Opposed (8)B. Vrbanovic, J. Nowak, M. Harris, S. Shantz, S. Foxton, J. Liggett, D. Craig, and N. Salonen
    Defeated (8 to 8)
  • Moved byB. Vrbanovic
    Seconded byD. McCabe

    2. That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, upon completion of construction, amend the Traffic and Parking By-law 16-023, as amended, for the following three approved roundabouts, to:
    Line 86 (Regional Road 86) and Floradale Road (Regional Road 19) in the Township of Woolwich
    A.    Remove from Schedule 17, Rates of Speed, 80 km/h on Regional Road 86 (Church Street) from Wellington Country Road 86  to 30 m West of Eldale Road;
    B.    Remove from Schedule 17, Rates of Speed, 80 km/h on Regional Road 19 (Floradale Road) from 770 m South of Florapine Road to (Regional Road 86) Church Street;
    C.    Add to Schedule 17, Rates of Speed, 80 km/h on Regional Road 86  (Church Street) from Wellington Country Road 86 to 400 West of (Regional Road 19) Floradale Road;
    D.    Add to Schedule 17, Rates of Speed, 80 km/h on Regional Road 19 (Floradale Road) from 770 m South of Florapine Road to 400 North of (Regional Road 86) Church Street;
    E.    Add to Schedule 17, Rates of Speed, 60 km/h on Regional Road 86 (Church Street)  from 400 m West of (Regional Road 19) Floradale Road to 30 m west of Eldale Road;
    F.    Add to Schedule 17, Rates of Speed, 60 km/h on Regional Road 19 (Floradale Road) from 400 m North of (Regional Road 86) Church Street to Regional Road 86 (Church Street);
    G.    Add to Schedule 10, Level 2 Pedestrian Crossover, Regional Road 86 (Church Street) at Regional Road 19 (Floradale Road), On All Entry and Exits.
    Trussler Road (Regional Road 70) and Cedar Creek Road (Regional Road 97) in the Township of North Dumfries
    A.    Remove from Schedule 17, Rates of Speed, 80 km/h on Trussler Road (Regional Road 70) from New Dundee Road (Regional Road 12) to Highway 401;
    B.    Add to Schedule 17, Rates of Speed, 80 km/h on Trussler Road (Regional Road 70) from New Dundee Road (Regional Road 12) to 400 metres north of Cedar Creek Road (Regional Road 97);
    C.    Add to Schedule 17, Rates of Speed, 80 km/h on Trussler Road (Regional Road 70) from 400 metres south of Cedar Creek Road (Regional Road 97) to Highway 401;
    D.    Add to Schedule 17, Rates of Speed, 60 km/h on Trussler Road (Regional Road 70)  from 400 metres  north and south of Cedar Creek Road (Regional Road 97);
    E.    Remove from Schedule 17, Rates of Speed 80 km/h on Cedar Creek Road (Regional Road 97) from Oxford County Boundary to 100 metres west of Grand Ridge Drive;
    F.    Add to Schedule 17, Rates of Speed 80 km/h on Cedar Creek Road (Regional Road 97) from Oxford County Boundary to 400 m west of Trussler Road (Regional Road 70);
    G.    Add to Schedule 17, Rates of Speed 80 km/h on Cedar Creek Road (Regional Road 97) from 400 metres east of Trussler Road (Regional Road 70) to 100 metres west of Grand Ridge Drive;
    H.    Add to Schedule 17, Rates of Speed 60 km/h on Cedar Creek Road (Regional Road 97) from 400 m east and west of Trussler Road (Regional Road 70);
    I.    Add to Schedule 10, Level 2 Pedestrian Crossover, Trussler Road (Regional Road 70) at Cedar Creek Road (Regional Road 97), On All Entry and Exits.
    Sawmill Road (Regional Road 17) and Ebycrest Road (Regional Road 17)
    A.    Remove from Schedule 17, Rates of Speed, 80 km/h on Regional Road 17 (Sawmill Road) from 1080 m South of Snyder’s Flats Road to Regional Road 20 (Bloomingdale Road);
    B.    Remove from Schedule 17, Rates of Speed, 80 km/h on Regional Road 20 (Bloomingdale Road) from Kraft Drive (Westerly leg) to Regional Road 17 (Ebycrest Road);
    C.    Add to Schedule 17, Rates of Speed, 80 km/h on Regional Road 17 (Sawmill Road) from 1080 m South of Snyder’s Flats Road to 400 m North Regional Road 17 (Ebycrest Road);
    D.    Add to Schedule 17, Rates of Speed, 80 km/h on Regional Road 20 (Bloomingdale Road) from 400 m South of Regional Road 17 (Ebycrest Road) to 25 m East of Kraft Drive;
    E.    Add to Schedule 17, Rates of Speed, 60 km/h on Regional Road 17 (Sawmill Road) from 400 m North of Regional Road 17 (Ebycrest Road) to Regional Road 20 (Bloomingdale Road);
    F.    Add to Schedule 17, Rates of Speed, 60 km/h on Regional Road 20 (Bloomingdale Road) from 400 m South of Regional Road 17 (Ebycrest Road) to Regional Road 17 (Ebycrest Road);
    G.    Add to Schedule 10, Level 2 Pedestrian Crossover, Regional Road 17 (Sawmill Road)  at Regional Road 17 (Ebycrest Road), On All Entry and Exits

    3. That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo direct and authorize the Regional Solicitor to take the following actions with respect to the expropriation of lands for improvements at the intersection of Sawmill Road (Regional Road No. 17) and Ebycrest Road (Regional Road No. 17), Township of Woolwich, in the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, as detailed in report PDL-LEG-23-018, dated April 4, 2023.
    1.    Complete application(s) to the Council of The Regional Municipality of Waterloo, as may be required from time to time, for approval to expropriate land, which is required for improvements at the intersection of Sawmill Road (Regional Road No. 17) and Ebycrest Road (Regional Road No. 17), Township of Woolwich and described as follows:
    Fee Simple Partial Taking:
    I.    Part of Lot 70, German Company Tract, being Part 1 on 58R-21638, (Part of PIN 22710-0126 (LT)), Township of Woolwich, Regional Municipality of Waterloo (629 Sawmill Road, Woolwich); 
    II.    Part of Lot 70, German Company Tract, being Parts 2 & 3 on 58R-21638, (Part of PIN 22710-0130 (LT)), Township of Woolwich, Regional Municipality of Waterloo (515 Sawmill Road, Woolwich); 
    III.    Part of Lot 70, German Company Tract, being Part 4 on 58R-21638 (Part of PIN 22247-0059 (LT)), Township of Woolwich, Regional Municipality of Waterloo (544 Sawmill Road, Woolwich);
    IV.    Part of Lot 71, German Company Tract, being Part 5 on 58R-21638, (Part of PIN 22710-0155 (LT)), Township of Woolwich, Regional Municipality of Waterloo (5 Kraft Drive, Woolwich); 
    2.    Serve notices of the above applications(s) required by the Expropriations Act (the “Act”);
    3.    Forward to the Chief Inquiry Officer any requests for a hearing that may be received within the time prescribed by the Act;
    4.    Attend, with appropriate Regional staff, at any hearing that may be scheduled;
    5.    Discontinue expropriation proceedings or any part thereof, in respect of the above described lands, or any part thereof, upon the registration on title of the required documentation to complete a transaction whereby the required interests in the lands are conveyed or if otherwise deemed appropriate in the opinion of the Commissioner of Engineering and Environmental Services and the Regional Solicitor; and
    6.    Do all things necessary and proper to be done and report thereon to Regional Council in due course.

    4. That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo approve the Baden – New Hamburg Water and Wastewater System Servicing Review EA – Project File Report as summarized in this Report EES-WAS-23-004 dated April 4, 2023; and
    that the Regional Municipality of Waterloo publish the Notice of Completion for the Baden – New Hamburg Water and Wastewater System Servicing Review and provide the Project File Report for a 30-day public review and comment period, in accordance with the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process; and
    that the Regional Municipality of Waterloo direct and authorize staff to commence with required real estate acquisitions for easements as outlined in this Report EES-WAS-23-004 dated April 4, 2023.

    5. That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo:
    a)    Approve the recommended interim active transportation improvements and traffic calming measures proposed on Myers Road as outlined in Report EES-DCS-23-003 dated April 4, 2023; and
    b)    Amend Traffic and Parking Bylaw 16-023, as amended, to add to Schedule 10, Level 2 Pedestrian Crossover, on Myers Road at Gatehouse Road/Lisbon Pines Drive, on the west side, as outlined in Report EES-DCS-23-003; and
    c)    Amend Traffic and Parking Bylaw 16-023, as amended, to add to Schedule 10, Level 2 Pedestrian Crossover, on Myers Road at Moffat Creek Public School, as outlined in Report EES-DCS-23-003.

    6. That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo take the following actions regarding the property municipally known as 130 Water Street North in the City of Cambridge, as described in Report PDL-CPL-23-008, dated April 4, 2023:
    a)    Approve the new agreement terms for the Joint Brownfield Tax Increment Grant (TIG), with Cambridge Development Inc. and the City of Cambridge, for the remaining property at 130 Water Street North, originally approved by Council on April 12, 2011 (Report P-11-038 / F-11-018 / CR-RS-11-023 for the properties known as 130 and 170 Water Street North in the City of Cambridge), with the Regional amount not to exceed $6,801,489, net of any other future brownfield assistance, to be financed from the incremental tax revenue for the property following remediation, redevelopment and reassessment;
    b)    Authorize the Region’s Commissioner of Planning, Development and Legislative Services and Commissioner, Corporate Services / Chief Financial Officer to execute any associated agreements, assignments, amendments or other related documents with Cambridge Development Inc. and the City of Cambridge, the form and content of such Tax Increment Grant agreement(s), any subsequent assignments of the agreement, or other related documents to be satisfactory to the Regional Solicitor; and
    c)    Authorize the Region’s Commissioner of Planning, Development and Legislative Services and Commissioner, Corporate Services / Chief Financial Officer to execute a termination agreement for the Original TIG Agreement with the City of Cambridge, Haastown Holdings (Cambridge) Inc. and Cambridge Development Inc., to be satisfactory to the Regional Solicitor.

    7. That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo endorse the guiding principles within the Water Supply Strategy as summarized in report EES-WAS-23-003 dated April 4, 2023.


    8. That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo approve the full grant funding request from the five eligible applicants under 2023 Economic Development Grant – Entrepreneurial Initiatives funds in the amount of $138,000, as outlined in Report PDL-ECD-23-006, dated April 4, 2023.

    **C. James declared Conflict of Interest**

    Carried (16 to 0)

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  • Moved byJ. Liggett
    Seconded byM. Harris

    That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo ratify the following appointments to the Waterloo Regional Heritage Foundation in accordance with report PDL-CAS-23-002, dated April 19, 2023:

    1. Heidi Peller-Oliver for a term ending June 2026
    2. Susan Burke for a term ending June 2026

    Carried (16 to 0)

Rod Regier, Commissioner, Planning, Development & Legislative Services, Planning, Development and Legislative Services, provided a presentation on the Key Cultural Institutions grant program and options for Council to consider with respect to the Grand Philharmonic Choir. A copy of the presentation is appended to the original minutes. He provided the background of the development of the program noting that it was developed after a significant research project and consultation with the area municipalities. He explained that the Grand Philharmonic Choir is not eligible under the current criteria but has been funded outside of the program for the last few years.

Responding to questions, R. Regier explained that the Grand Philharmonic Choir would be eligible to apply for the new cultural drivers of tourism program. If the criteria for the Key Cultural Institutions grant program is broadened to include the Grand Philharmonic Choir, it would also bring in a number of other organizations.

In response to a question from Council, Helen Chimirri-Russell, Director, Cultural Services, provided an overview of the funding work for that is done by the Arts Fund and noted that the Key Cultural Institutions grant program is designed for core funding for large organizations.

  • Moved byJ. Erb
    Seconded byB. Vrbanovic

    That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo approve the 2023 funding allocations of $385,725 to the Kitchener Waterloo Symphony and $385,725 to THEMUSEUM under the Key Cultural Institutions grant program as outlined in report PDL-CUL-23-004 dated April 4, 2023.

    Carried (16 to 0)

Bruce Lauckner, Chief Administrative Officer, explained that Council could provide the Grand Philharmonic Choir with one off funding, or could direct that the criteria to be expanded to include other organizations.

Council recessed at 9:15 p.m. and reconvened at 9:22 p.m.

B. Vrbanovic requested a recorded vote.

  • Moved byS. Shantz
    Seconded byR. Deutschmann

    That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo approve amending the criteria for eligibility for a Key Cultural Institutions grant to reduce the operating expenditures requirement to be greater than $250,000 and to change the requirement to "hold joint responsibility for public buildings" to "have programming intrinsically linked to public facility;"

    And that $340,000 be added to the 2023 Key Cultural Institutions funding envelope, funded from the tax stabilization reserve;

    And that a call for applications from newly-eligible organizations be due by May 5, 2023;

    And that staff be directed to present the funding recommendations related to the newly-eligible organizations back to the Community and Health Services Committee on June 6, 2023 for approval; 

    And that the Regional Municipality of Waterloo approve the 2023 funding allocations of $32,130 to the Grand Philharmonic Choir.

    In Favor (11)B. Vrbanovic, J. Nowak, K. Redman, S. Shantz, D. McCabe, J. Liggett, D. Craig, P. Wolf, C. James, R. Deutschmann, and K. Williams
    Opposed (5)J. Erb, M. Harris, S. Foxton, N. Salonen, and C. Huinink
    Carried (11 to 5)
  • Moved byM. Harris
    Seconded byC. Huinink

    That Committee of the Whole rise and Council resume.

    Carried (16 to 0)
  • Moved byP. Wolf
    Seconded byJ. Nowak

    That Council adopt the proceedings of Committee of the Whole.

    Carried (16 to 0)

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J. Erb introduced the motion and explained that the intent of the motion is to strengthen participation in the election process and not discourage individuals from donating to a campaign or running for election by requiring them to make their home address public.

In response to a question from Council, Tim Brubacher, Deputy Clerk, provided an overview of requirements of the Municipal Elections Act for making election forms available publicly.

Council agreed to amend the motion to request that the province remove the requirement to publicly list the street name, number, and postal code while ensure that the municipality of a donor is still available.

  • Moved byJ. Erb
    Seconded byC. James

    WHEREAS the Municipal Elections Act requires all individuals wishing to be a candidate in a municipal or school board election to file Nomination Paper - Form 1 with the municipal clerk; 
    AND WHEREAS the Municipal Elections Act requires all candidates who sought election to a municipal council or school board to file Financial Statement – Auditor’s Report Candidate – Form 4 with the municipal clerk;
    AND WHEREAS Form 1 requires candidates to provide their qualifying address;
    AND WHEREAS Form 4 requires candidates to list the name and home address of any donor contributing over $100.00
    AND WHEREAS the Municipal Elections Act specifies that these documents are not protected by the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and requires the municipal clerk to make Form 4 available on a website;
    AND WHEREAS there has been concern expressed about those who hold public office and those who support them that they have been the subject of unnecessary attention and excessive scrutiny;
    AND WHEREAS the requirement to publish the personal home address of donors to specific candidates may discourage individuals from engaging in the democratic process to elect municipal and school board politicians.

    THEREFORE, BE RESOVLED THAT the Regional Municipality of Waterloo calls on the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing for the Province of Ontario to protect the privacy of candidates and donors by removing the requirement for their street name, number and postal code to be listed on publicly available forms.

    AND FURTHER THAT for verification purposes, the addresses of all candidates and all donors over $100 be submitted to the municipal clerk on separate forms that are protected by the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will not be published.
    AND FINALLY, that this resolution be forwarded to the Area Members of Provincial Parliament, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, the Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario, the Ontario Public School Boards' Association, the Ontario Catholic School Trustees' Association, and all Ontario municipalities. 

    Carried (16 to 0)

R. Deutschmann introduced his motion regarding Automated Speed Enforcement noting that the intent of the motion is to give municipalities more flexibility where cameras are located.

Council discussed the motion noting that collaboration is needed with the area municipalities to create community safety zones where they are needed. It was further noted that a report on expanding the capacity for automated speed enforcement will be presented in June. 

  • Moved byR. Deutschmann
    Seconded byP. Wolf

    Whereas speeding on our roads is a major concern in our community,

    And whereas speeding can occur in all areas of our community,

    And whereas our municipality has limited resources to implement speed mitigation road design and re-design,

    And whereas our local police service has limited resources to undertake speed enforcement,

    And whereas s.205.1 of the Highway Traffic Act (HTA) provides that Automated Speed Enforcement systems (ASE) may only be placed in designated community safety zones and school safety zones,

    Now therefore be it resolved:

    1. That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo request that the Ontario Government amend s.205.1 of the HTA to permit municipalities to locate an ASE system permanently or temporarily on any roadway under the jurisdiction of municipalities and as determined by municipalities and not be restricted to only community safety zones and school safety zones; and further
    2. That this resolution be forwarded to:
      1. the Ontario Minister of Transportation;
      2. the Ontario Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing;
      3. the local area MPPs;
      4. the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO); and
      5. all Ontario Municipalities;
  • Moved byB. Vrbanovic
    Seconded byJ. Nowak

    That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo defer the motion discussed under item 16.2 to June 2023.

    Carried (15 to 1)

R. Deutschmann’s motion was deemed moot.

Notice of Motion


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C. Huinink introduced a motion with respect to issues with accessible transit. She requested that Council waive the notice requirements.

In response to a question from the Committee, M. Goetzke stated that staff will need to look into the data to understand where the gaps in service are before identifying any solutions. He agreed to provide an interim report, including a review of funds that are required in lieu of accessible service, in June

  • Moved byS. Foxton
    Seconded byB. Vrbanovic

    That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo waive notice of motion as per section 70 of By-law 22-051, A By-law to Provide Rules for Governing the Proceedings of Council and its Committees, and to repeal By-Law 00-031, as amended.

    Carried (16 to 0)
  • Moved byC. Huinink
    Seconded byD. McCabe

    WHEREAS accessible transportation, comprised of a range of vehicle and service types, is a fundamental component of mobility in the Region; and
    WHEREAS there has been an increased demand for accessible transportation due to strong population growth and an increased want to actively participate in community events since pandemic restrictions have been lifted; and
    WHEREAS this increased demand is creating capacity and comfort issues on some specialized transit vehicles and on on-demand accessible services,
    NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Regional Municipality of Waterloo directs staff to:
    1. Review current specialized transit service levels and report back to Council on options, and associated budget impacts, that may be needed to absorb subscribed trip waiting lists and increase week-end service by September 2023.
    2. Review the Region’s taxi by-law, its incentives and enforcement tools, and report to Council by the end of 2023.
    3. Review specialized transit vehicle specifications, including passenger comfort, so they can be included in the next tender for vehicle renewal in January 2024.

    Carried (16 to 0)

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C. Huinink left the meeting at 10:26 PM. ()

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R. Deutschmann requested that WRPS provide an update on responding to the KPMG report’s recommendations for reducing the costs of policing and the call diversion program. Regional Chair K. Redman noted that a comprehensive communication plan will be brought to the WRPS Board meeting next month. 

N. Salonen invited Council and the public to attend a tree planting at the Wilmot Recreation Center on Earth Day.

B. Vrbanovic welcomed the Big City Mayor’s Caucus to the Region.

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  • Moved byJ. Nowak
    Seconded byD. Craig

    That the following by-laws be approved.

    (15 to 0)
  • That a By-law to A By-law to Amend By-law 17-007, as amended, being a By-law to Govern the Collection of Waste and the Provision of Waste Management Facilities in The Regional Municipality of Waterloo and to Repeal By-law 98-87, as amended, and By-law 02-011 of The Regional Municipality of Waterloo (Single Family Homes Garbage Container Limit) be read a first, second and third time, finally passed and numbered 23-015, be signed by the Regional Chair and Regional Clerk and sealed with the Regional Seal.

  • That A By-law to Establish Tax Ratios for Regional Purposes and Area Municipal Purposes for the Year 2023 be read a first, second and third time, finally passed and numbered 23-016, be signed by the Regional Chair and Regional Clerk and sealed with the Regional Seal.

  • That A By-law to Establish Tax Ratios for Regional Purposes and Area Municipal Purposes for the Year 2023 be read a first, second and third time, finally passed and numbered 23-017, be signed by the Regional Chair and Regional Clerk and sealed with the Regional Seal.

  • That A By-law to Amend By-law 23-009, as amended, being a By-law to Establish Fees and Charges for the Regional Municipality of Waterloo and repeal By-law 21-072, By-law 21-067, By-law 21-068, By-law 21-069 and By-law 21-070, as Amended be read a first, second and third time, finally passed and numbered 23-018, be signed by the Regional Chair and Regional Clerk and sealed with the Regional Seal.

  • That A By-law to Amend By-law 16-023, as amended, being a By-law to Regulate Traffic and Parking on Highways Under the Jurisdiction of the Regional Municipality of Waterloo (Lane Designation, in the City of Waterloo) be read a first, second and third time, finally passed and numbered 23-019, be signed by the Regional Chair and Regional Clerk and sealed with the Regional Seal.

  • That A By-law to Amend By-law 16-023, as amended, being a By-law to Regulate Traffic and Parking on Highways Under the Jurisdiction of the Regional Municipality of Waterloo (No Parking, in the Township of Wilmot) be read a first, second and third time, finally passed and numbered 23-020, be signed by the Regional Chair and Regional Clerk and sealed with the Regional Seal.

  • That A By-law to Confirm the Proceedings of the Council of the Regional Municipality of Waterloo at this Meeting Held on April 19, 2023. be read a first, second and third time, finally passed and numbered 23-021, be signed by the Regional Chair and Regional Clerk and sealed with the Regional Seal.

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  • Moved byM. Harris
    Seconded byN. Salonen

    That the meeting adjourn at 10:34 p.m.

    Carried (15 to 0)