Planning and Works Committee Minutes

Council Chambers
Members Present:
  • K. Redman, 
  • D. Craig, 
  • R. Deutschmann, 
  • J. Erb, 
  • S. Foxton, 
  • M. Harris, 
  • C. Huinink, 
  • C. James, 
  • J. Liggett, 
  • D. McCabe, 
  • J. Nowak, 
  • N. Salonen, 
  • S. Shantz, 
  • B. Vrbanovic, 
  • K. Williams, 
  • and P. Wolf 

Should you require an alternative format or a copy of the official minutes please contact the Regional Clerk at Tel.: 519-575-4400, TTY: 519-575-4605, or

The Committee will consider a motion to go into Closed Session at the start of the meeting. The Planning and Works Committee will resume immediately following the Closed Session at approximately 10:00 a.m. 

Chair C. James called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.

Chair C. James provided a land acknowledgement and shared remarks regarding the month of June being Pride and National Indigenous History month.

  • Moved byS. Foxton
    Seconded byP. Wolf

    That a closed meeting of the Planning and Works, and Administration and Finance Committees be held on Tuesday, June 6, 2023 at 9:05 a.m. in the Waterloo County Room, in accordance with Section 239 of the “Municipal Act, 2001”, for the purposes of considering the following subject matters:

    1. Receiving advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege related to a proposed acquisition of lands in the Township of North Dumfries;
    2. Receiving advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege related to a proposed acquisition and disposition of lands in the City of Waterloo;
    3. Receiving advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege related to ongoing litigation;
    4. Labour relations;
    5. Receiving advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege related to potential litigation; and
    6. Receiving advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege related to a proposed acquisition of lands in the City of Waterloo.
  • Moved byP. Wolf
    Seconded byC. Huinink

    That the Planning and Works Committee reconvene into Open Session.


There were no presentations.

Dan Hendry and Burkhard Mausberg of the Small Change Fund presented on their experience establishing a youth transit program that has had phenomenal success in Kingston, Ontario. They shared a video titled: Throwing Car Culture Under the Bus and noted that the program includes free access to transit for students in grades 9 - 12, as well as training and teaching high school students on how to use the system. They noted the importance of listening to students and teachers in order to learn and better the program together, with the goal of growing lifelong transit ridership. 

Responding to questions from the Committee, D. Hendry noted that the Limestone District School Board pays $60,000 per year for this initiative and that any student from the ages of 15 - 21 in high school can get the free transit pass. 

The Committee thanked the delegations and noted that the Waterloo District School Board passed a motion in January 2023 to better investigate this opportunity. Mathieu Goetzke, Commissioner, Transportation Services shared that staff are looking into this and will bring back options for the Committee to consider as part of the GRT business plan. 

R. Deutschmann left the meeting at 10:12 AM. ()
D. McCabe joined the meeting at 10:13 AM. ()

Vaughn Bender and Alex Vandersluis from Schlegel Urban Developments appeared before the Committee to ask that a left turn lane from Fischer-Hallman road at the Fischer-Hallman road and Huron road development be considered and approved. V. Bender noted a left in lane can be safely and adequately provided, and that this is a feature often looked for by grocery retailers as part of their tenant agreements. V. Bender stressed that a grocery retailer is a key anchor for the development, and necessary in order to successfully achieve a 15 minute neighborhood with the development. 

A copy of their presentation and handouts are attached to the minutes. 

Responding to questions from the Committee, M. Goetzke commented that construction is actively taking place in the area, with the contractor on site, and approved designs. M. Goetzke shared that there is a small window of opportunity to redesign the hard median to a left in lane and that staff will come back to Council on June 21, 2023 with more information on background, options and impacts.

Sam Nabi appeared before the Committee on behalf of Hold the Line Waterloo Region to comment on the countryside line and the Region's response to the Province's decision on the Regional Official Plan amendment. S. Nabi shared concerns with the Province forcing an urban expansion of the countryside line, and noted that there has been a long standing practice of the Region's policies to adjust the line, so that when one hectare is taken out, another is put in. S. Nabi requested that the Region pursue a boundary adjustment, so that the total area remains the same.  

P. Wolf left the meeting at 11:05 AM. ()

Item 8.2.1, PDL-CPL-23-015, 2023 Community Environmental Fund Grants was removed from the consent agenda. 

  • Moved byS. Foxton
    Seconded byJ. Nowak

    That the Consent Agenda items be received for information and approved.

  • Moved byS. Foxton
    Seconded byJ. Nowak

    That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo approve the expropriation of lands for the purpose of completing the remaining Farmers Market Trail works (Northfield Drive West from the railway corridor to the Northfield Drive / Parkside Drive intersection), in the City of Waterloo, as detailed in Report PDL-LEG-23-026 dated June 6, 2023, described as follows:

    Fee Simple Partial Taking:

    i.Part of Lot 10, German Company Tract, being Parts 1, 2, 4 and 5 on 58R-21590, (Part of PIN 22281-0356 (LT)), City of Waterloo, Regional Municipality of Waterloo (580 Weber Street North, Waterloo).

    Temporary Easement – Grading:

    The right and easement, being a temporary easement in gross, for the free and unobstructed, right, interest and easement terminating on the 31st day of December, 2024, for itself, its successors and assigns, and anyone authorized by it, on, over, under and through the following property for the purposes of excavation, construction, installation, replacement, alteration, grading, and landscaping as required in connection with the construction and access of the multi-use trail along Northfield Drive West from the railway corridor to the Northfield Drive / Parkside Drive intersection, and all related improvements, and works ancillary thereto and for such purposes, the free, unimpeded and unobstructed access to the lands at all times by employees, agents, contractors, workers and anyone authorized by it, and vehicles, supplies and equipment at all times and for all purposes and things necessary for or incidental to the exercise and enjoyment of the right and easement:

    ii.Part of Lot 10, German Company Tract, being Part 3 on 58R-21590, (Part of PIN 22281-0356 (LT)), City of Waterloo, Regional Municipality of Waterloo (580 Weber Street North, Waterloo).

    And that staff be instructed to register a Plan of Expropriation for the property within three months of the granting of the approval to expropriate the property, as required by the Expropriations Act;

    And that the registered owners be served with a Notice of Expropriation and a Notice of Possession for the property after the registration of the Plan of Expropriation and the Regional Solicitor is authorized to take any and all actions required to enforce such Notices including but not limited to any application pursuant to Section 40 of the Expropriations Act;

    And that the Regional Solicitor is authorized to enter into an agreement with the registered owners, or to make an application under Section 39 of the Expropriations Act, to adjust the date for possession specified in the Notice of Possession as may be required;

    And that all above-referenced fee simple partial takings situated adjacent to an existing Regional public highway be acquired for road widening purposes and therefore be deemed to form part of the adjacent public highway in accordance with subsection 31(6) of the Municipal Act, 2001;

    And that if no agreement as to compensation is made with an owner, the statutory Offer of Compensation and payment be served upon the registered owners of the property in the amount of the market value of the interests in the land as estimated by the Region’s appraiser in accordance with the Expropriations Act;

    And that the Regional Solicitor be authorized to execute any Indemnity agreement or other document related to payment of the statutory Offer of Compensation;

    And further that the Regional Solicitor be authorized to discontinue expropriation proceedings or any part thereof, in respect of the above described lands, or any part thereof, upon the registration on title of the required documentation to complete the transaction or if determined by the Commissioner, Transportation Services, that such lands, or any part or interest thereof, are not required for the subject Project

  • Moved byS. Foxton
    Seconded byJ. Nowak

    That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo approve the expropriation of lands for improvements at the intersection of Cedar Creek Road (Regional Road No. 97) and Trussler Road (Regional Road No. 70), in the Township of North Dumfries, in the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, and County Road No. 8, in the County of Oxford as detailed in Report PDL-LEG-23-027, dated June 6, 2023, described as follows:

    Fee Simple Partial Taking:

    1. Part of Lot 1, Concession 13, being Parts 2 and 4 on 41R-10418, (Part of PIN 00297-0021 (LT)), Township of Blandford-Blenheim, County of Oxford (3541 Trussler Road, Blandford-Blenheim);

    2. Part of Lot 1, Concession 12, being Part 5 on 41R-10418, (Part of PIN 00296-0025 (LT)), Township of Blandford-Blenheim, County of Oxford (927762 Oxford Road 8, Blandford-Blenheim);

    3. Part of Lot 38, Concession 11, being Parts 1 and 2 on 58R-21584, (Part of PIN 03847-0461 (LT)), Township of North Dumfries, Regional Municipality of Waterloo (3434 Trussler Road, North Dumfries);

    4. Part of Lot 38, Concession 10, being Part 3 on 58R-21584, (Part of PIN 03850-0282 (LT)), Township of North Dumfries, Regional Municipality of Waterloo (3704 Trussler Road, North Dumfries);

    Temporary Easement – Grading:

    The right and easement, being a temporary easement in gross, for the free and unobstructed, right, interest and easement terminating, for the subject property set out below, on the 31st day of December, 2024, for itself, its successors and assigns, and anyone authorized by it, on, over, under and through the following property for the purposes of excavation, construction, installation, replacement, alteration, grading, and landscaping as required in connection with the improvements at the intersection of Cedar Creek Road, Trussler Road and County Road No. 8, and all related improvements, and works ancillary thereto and for such purposes, the free, unimpeded and unobstructed access to the lands at all times by employees, agents, contractors, workers and anyone authorized by it, and vehicles, supplies and equipment at all times and for all purposes and things necessary for or incidental to the exercise and enjoyment of the right and easement:

    I.Part of Lot 1, Concession 13, being Parts 1 and 3 on 41R-10418, (Part of PIN 00297-0021 (LT)), Township of Blandford-Blenheim, County of Oxford (3541 Trussler Road, Blandford-Blenheim);

    And that staff be instructed to register a Plan of Expropriation for the properties within three months of the granting of the approval to expropriate the properties, as required by the Expropriations Act;

    And that the registered owners be served with a Notice of Expropriation and a Notice of Possession for the properties after the registration of the Plan of Expropriation and the Regional Solicitor is authorized to take any and all actions required to enforce such Notices including but not limited to any application pursuant to Section 40 of the Expropriations Act;

    And that the Regional Solicitor is authorized to enter into an agreement with the registered owners, or to make an application under Section 39 of the Expropriations Act, to adjust the date for possession specified in the Notice of Possession as may be required;

    And that all above-referenced fee simple partial takings situated adjacent to an existing Regional public highway be acquired for road widening purposes and therefore be deemed to form part of the adjacent public highway in accordance with subsection 31(6) of the Municipal Act, 2001;

    And that if no agreement as to compensation is made with an owner, the statutory Offer of Compensation and payment be served upon the registered owners of the properties in the amount of the market value of the interests in the land as estimated by the Region’s appraiser in accordance with the Expropriations Act;

    And that the Regional Solicitor be authorized to execute any Indemnity agreement or other document related to payment of the statutory Offer of Compensation;

    And further that the Regional Solicitor be authorized to discontinue expropriation proceedings or any part thereof, in respect of the above described lands, or any part thereof, upon the registration on title of the required documentation to complete the transaction or if determined by the Commissioner, Engineering & Environmental Services, that such lands, or any part or interest thereof, are not required for the subject Project.

  • Moved byS. Foxton
    Seconded byJ. Nowak

    That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo approve the removal of the existing Level 1 Pedestrian Crossover at the Arthur Street and Mill Street intersection and replace it with an Intersection Pedestrian Signal, in the Township of Woolwich, by amending the Region’s Traffic and Parking By-law 16-023, as amended, to:

    • Remove from Schedule 9, Level 1 Pedestrian Crossover on Arthur Street (Regional Road 21) at Mill Street;

    And that, the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, as a By-law “housekeeping” measure, approve the removal of the following non-existent Level 1 Pedestrian Crossovers from Schedule 9 of the Regions Traffic and Parking By-law 16-023, as amended:

    • Remove from Schedule 9, Level 1 Pedestrian Crossover on Arthur Street (Regional Road 21) at Park Avenue; and
    • Remove from Schedule 9, Level 1 Pedestrian Crossover on Courtland Avenue (Regional Road 53) at Kent Avenue;

    As outlined in Report TSD-TRP-23-008, dated June 6, 2023.

  • Moved byS. Foxton
    Seconded byJ. Nowak

    That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo extend the Funding Agreement with the rare Charitable Research Reserve for an additional five-year period requiring a contribution of $50,000 annually over the next five years (2023 – 2027) as outlined in PDL-CPL-23-014 dated June 6, 2023.


Responding to questions from the Committee, Rod Regier, Commissioner, Planning, Development and Legislative Services shared that there is an evaluation process that staff undertake for the grant applications, and when allocating funds it is a matter of balancing priorities and what the projects are able to deliver. R. Regier noted that there was $100,000 available and that the applications received were in excess of $200,000. 

The Committee requested that an additional $3,800 be provided to the Dog Strangling Vine (DSV) response due to the vigorous nature of the invasive species, and to ensure it is wiped out now. 

  • Moved byJ. Liggett
    Seconded byD. McCabe

    That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo take the following action with respect to Report PDL-CPL-23-015, dated June 6, 2023:

    1. Approve funding allocations totalling $103,795 from the Community Environmental Fund to support 20 stewardship and sustainability projects as described in this report;
    2. Increase the allocation for GRCA’s Dog Strangling Vine Response to $8,800; and,
    3. Fund the increase in total allocations of $3,795 from the operating budget.
    Carried (14 to 0)

R. Regier provided a presentation on the Minister's Decision on the Regional Official Plan Amendment No. 6, including an overview of the approval, modifications, and next steps. 

This report was received for information. A copy of the presentation is attached to the minutes. 

Responding to questions from the Committee, R. Regier shared that one of the complicating factors is the impact of Bill 23 on development charge revenue, as most of the Region's infrastructure to support the growth is financed through development charges. Craig Dyer, Commissioner, Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer, added that it creates uncertainty with whether there will be sufficient development charges collected to pay the debt servicing costs, and that if the development charges collected are not sufficient, property taxes and water and wastewater rates are the only fall back to pay the debt servicing costs. 

P. Wolf joined the meeting at 11:49 AM. ()
R. Deutschmann left the meeting at 12:42 PM. ()
N. Salonen left the meeting at 12:42 PM. ()

R. Regier introduced the report, noting that the staff recommendation is to proceed with a municipally led risk assessment and record of site condition process, as the process can be undertaken in parallel with the next stage of the planning process, which would result in a faster turnaround time. 

  • Moved byJ. Erb
    Seconded byS. Foxton

    That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo take the following actions as part of the Charles Street Terminal Visioning process:

    1. Direct staff to proceed with a municipally led Risk Assessment (“RA”) and Record of Site Condition (“RSC”) process to address identified soil and groundwater contamination on the property in advance of a future Request for Proposal on the lands for redevelopment, as outlined in report PDL-ECD-23-010, dated June 6, 2023.



Helen Chimirri-Russell, Director, Cultural Services, introduced the report, noting that phase 1 construction is expected to begin in late summer 2023. 

This report was received for information. 

M. Goetzke introduced the report, sharing that since automated speed enforcement was implemented in the Region in 2021, there has been significant reductions in average speed. 

Responding to questions from the Committee, M. Goetzke shared that there may also be some opportunities for physical redesign, so that the road design speed is adapted to the speed limit, in circumstances where they are currently not aligned.

In response to the Committee, M. Goetzke noted that the traffic coordination committee is in agreement with the overall approach, and that staff will work with area municipalities to determine common criteria for community safety zones, similarly to how the school zone criteria was created, in order to ensure consistency. 

Responding to questions from the Committee, C. Dyer stated that it is expected that revenues will be sufficient to cover costs. M. Goetzke confirmed that a full financial analysis will be provided to the Committee in August 2023, including the processing centre business case, and that a report will come to the June 21, 2023 Council meeting with additional financial information on revenues. The Committee directed staff to come back with information on semi-fixed camera options. 

N. Salonen joined the meeting at 12:53 PM. ()
R. Deutschmann joined the meeting at 1:02 PM. ()
  • Moved byJ. Nowak
    Seconded byD. McCabe

    That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo approve the following in order to expand the Automated Speed Enforcement Program to all School Zones within the Region, subject to 2024 budget approval and as outlined in report TSD-TRP-23-009, dated June 6, 2023:

    1. Implement Automated Speed Enforcement at 25 to 30 new School Zones per year starting in 2024 with completion of all 175 schools by the end of 2028;
    2. Direct staff to prepare and submit staffing and budget requirements as part of the 2024 Plan and Budget and as needed in subsequent budget years; and
    3. Direct staff to develop criteria for identifying and prioritizing Community Safety Zones for the purpose of implementing Automated Speed Enforcement near certain schools and at other critical locations around the Region.

M. Goetzke introduced the report, noting that an online public meeting was held on June 5, 2023, where staff received additional feedback, including that the extension of Route 34 will mitigate the closure of Route 2, and meet the needs of users. M. Goetzke shared that staff will review service in the area previously covered by Route 73 in the coming years, when there is an increase in population. 

Responding to questions from the Committee, M. Goetzke stated that Forest Heights is being address through the stop at Highland and Burnaby, and that other residents are served through Route 1. M. Goetzke confirmed that Regional staff have connected with City staff, and that Regional staff will connect with City of Kitchener Councillors in Ward 7 and 8 before the June 21st Council meeting. 

The Committee expressed the need to establish a policy or process which states that public consultation will occur well in advance of GRT routes being cancelled or expanded. M. Goetzke committed to engage and consult with all riders who are being impacted in a more thorough and deliberate way, and in parallel with the budget process. 

  • Moved byB. Vrbanovic
    Seconded byR. Deutschmann

    That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo implement a Route 34 extension effective September 5, 2023 with an estimated 2023 net cost of $98,000 to be funded from the Tax Stabilization Reserve and an estimated net cost of $294,000 to be included in the preliminary 2024 budget as set out in report TSD-TRS-23-006 dated June 6, 2023 and to implement additional iXpress stops (both directions) at Highland/Walkway to Burnaby.


Jennifer Rose, Commissioner, Engineering and Environmental Services introduced the report, stating the importance of keeping a close eye on the water and wastewater capacity, in order to ensure all development can happen as planned. J. Rose shared that the annual report shows that there was adequate capacity to service development in 2022.

Responding to questions from the Committee, J. Rose explained that staff are always extremely conservative when do master planning as do not want to run out of water, and that a water supply strategy is completed every five years for that reason.

  • Moved byC. Huinink
    Seconded byJ. Liggett

    That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo receive the 2023 Water and Wastewater Monitoring Report summarized in Report EES-WAS-23-006, dated June 6, 2023 as the account of water supply and wastewater treatment capacity as of December 31, 2022.


The Committee raised some concerns with grass cutting in the Region, sharing that in some areas the grass is taller than fire hydrants. M. Goetzke confirmed that the feedback is being shared with the contractors, and that staff are exploring if issues that need to be dealt with immediately can be handled in house as opposed to by the contractor. 

The Committee directed staff to come back with a detailed report ahead of budget time which provides information on grass cutting costs and occurrences. 

Regional Chair Redman received support from the Committee to advocate to the Provincial government to expand GO service, including on weekends. 


  • Moved byS. Foxton
    Seconded byM. Harris

    That the meeting adjourn at 2:07 p.m.

No Item Selected