Community and Health Services Committee Minutes

Council Chambers
Members Present:
  • K. Redman, 
  • D. Craig, 
  • R. Deutschmann, 
  • J. Erb, 
  • S. Foxton, 
  • M. Harris, 
  • C. Huinink, 
  • C. James, 
  • J. Liggett, 
  • D. McCabe, 
  • S. Shantz, 
  • K. Williams, 
  • and P. Wolf 
Members Absent:
  • J. Nowak, 
  • N. Salonen, 
  • and B. Vrbanovic 

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Chair J. Erb called the meeting to order at 12:59 p.m.

Chair J. Erb provided a land acknowledgement.

M. Harris joined the meeting at 1:00 PM. ()


Kamil Ahmed, Coordinator at Community Justice Initiatives, provided a brief overview of restorative justice, specifically the negative impact of identity based harm in the community and the need for dialogue to enhance accountability. He requested that the Committee invest in prevention when considering the implementation of the new Regional Anti-Hate By-law and that next steps of the implementation should include restorative justice considerations.

In responding to the Committee, K. Ahmed suggested that enforcement of the By-law should permit an option for restorative justice in coordination with punitive consequences. K. Ahmed confirmed that the Region has provided funding to Community Justice Initiatives, however, the restorative justice program is not directly funded through the Region. 

Bruce Lauckner, CAO, confirmed that Community Justice Initiatives does receive Regional funding and that Staff would provide information on the funding streams available to Community Justice Initiatives. Staff will also consult with restorative justice organizations in the community on the implementation plan for the Regional Anti-Hate By-law. Graham Walsh, Regional Solicitor, further confirmed that the by-law implementation plan will be circulated to Council and that enforcement officers are being trained on how to enforce the new provisions under the Code of Use By-law.

Responding to the Committee, G. Walsh explained that restorative justice and the purpose of the new by-law are not exclusive and can work in parallel.

The Committee discussed extending the provisions of the Anti-Hate By-law to all area municipalities to ensure consistency in enforcement.

There were no requests to remove items from the Consent Agenda.

  • Moved byS. Foxton
    Seconded byP. Wolf

    That the Consent Agenda items be received for information and approved.

    In Favor (13)J. Erb, K. Redman, M. Harris, S. Shantz, S. Foxton, D. McCabe, J. Liggett, D. Craig, P. Wolf, C. James, R. Deutschmann, C. Huinink, and K. Williams
    Carried (13 to 0)

Dr. Hsiu-Li Wang, Commissioner of Public Health Paramedic Services/Medical Health Officer, introduced health system partners who provide mental health and addiction services: Steve Keczem, Steering Committee Co-Chair, Kristina Eliashevsky, Director, Cambridge North Dumfries Ontario Health Team, Lisa Akey, Director Programs and Services, and Eric Philip, Chief Executive Officer, Thresholds Homes and Supports, to present an update on Alternate Destination Clinics. A copy of the presentation is attached to the agenda.

They highlighted the potential positive impacts of Alternate Destination Clinics in the Region of Waterloo to improve crisis responses for individuals experiencing mental health and addiction issues. The Community Steering Committee is in the process of establishing two Cclinic sites that will create a safe-space for mental health and addiction support including referral pathways to and from emergency services such as walk-in clinics, paramedic transport, police transport, etc. They also provided an overview of the projects; specifically they discussed the success of the Cambridge North Dumfries Ontario Health Team had pilotinged an eight week Community Mental Health and Additions Clinic (C-MAC).

Katie Macdonald, Manager of Strategic & Quality Initiatives, provided next steps, which includes community engagement through the steering committee and the submission of a funding application to Ontario Health West.

Responding to the Committee, Helen Fishburn, CEO of the Canadian Mental Health Association (Waterloo Wellington Branch), confirmed that these programs have a positive impact in the community with a successful diversion rate of 85% over the last eight years. She noted the importance of integrating Alterative Destination Clinics within emergency services so that services are not in silos.

K. Macdonald confirmed that the Alterative Destination Clinics in other municipalities are accessible, so that individuals do not have to go through emergency services to seek help, but rather can go directly to a clinic without a referral.

In responding to the Committee, John Riches, Director/Chief, Paramedic J. Riches explainedServices explained that the emergency response from police or fire is a different process than is being considered with paramedic services. The intention is that once the Alternative Destination Clinics are established, that paramedic services would apply to the Province for the authorization to transport individuals to the clinics. He further explained that currently paramedic services must transport individuals requiring mental health and addictions support directly to the emergency room as per current regulations. 

Received for information.

The next Community and Health Services meeting will be on January 16, 2024.


  • Moved byS. Foxton
    Seconded byC. James

    That the meeting adjourn at 1:56 p.m.

    In Favor (13)J. Erb, K. Redman, M. Harris, S. Shantz, S. Foxton, D. McCabe, J. Liggett, D. Craig, P. Wolf, C. James, R. Deutschmann, C. Huinink, and K. Williams
    Carried (13 to 0)