Connie McDonald, Chief Communications & Strategy Officer, introduced the report, followed by Craig Dyer, Commissioner of Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer, providing an update on organizational progress towards the Region's 2019-2023 Strategic Plan objectives and the financial status for Q2 2023. This covered year-end financial projections, Federal/provincial funding, spending estimates, and proposed capital budget amendments for significant projects. C. MacDonald emphasized that there will be no risk updates in the mid-year review.
In response to a question from the committee, Mathieu Goetzke, Commissioner, Transportation Services highlighted minimal collisions due to the 20km/hr speed cap, mentioning ongoing work on regulations. Clarity on e-bikes and scooters will adjust safety regulations.
Addressing fuel price increase, Craig Dyer noted $3.5M tax stabilization reserve funding, though fuel prices are monitored for Q3 report adjustments. Two new bylaw enforcement staff were hired for encampment policy and enforcement support, acknowledging its impact on bylaw officers' time. This adjustment aligns with budget discussions.
In response to a question from the committee, Peter Sweeney, Commissioner, Community Services, spoke to the purpose for hiring two bylaw enforcement staff related to encampment policy and enforcement, indicating that there is no specific report relating this, however it is a mid-year adjustment to support the additional work. Will Short, Director, Council & Administrative Services/Regional Clerk, further noted that the encampment duties were taking up time from the bylaw officers so the 2 new positions would support that team. Bruce Lauckner, Chief Administrative Officer, added that this will come up as a clear topic during the budget discussions.
In response to a question from the committee, Rod Regier, Commissioner, Planning, Development & Legislative Services mentioned that a master plan is being drafted as well as a community engagement process for the airport which be brought forward to council later this year.
In response to a question from the committee Craig Dyer, Commissioner, Corporate Services/Chief Financial Officer noted the particular enactment of Bill 23 since November 2022. Staff are currently working with their understanding of the Act to formulate the 2023-2024 Capital Program, considering development charges. Further timing details will be provided to the Committee.