The Community and Health Services Committee recommends as follows:
1. That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo take the following actions with respect to CSD-HOU-23-001, Love Your Neighbour Communities’ Affordable Housing Proposal for a Regional Land Contribution of 34 Peel Street, New Hamburg, to support a proposed affordable housing development in the Township of Wilmot, as described in Report CSD-HOU-23-001, dated January 10, 2023:
a. That Regional Council continue to support the proposed use of the Property, 34 Peel Street, New Hamburg (the “Property”) for the development of affordable housing by Love Your Neighbourhood Communities (LYNC), a non-profit organization, subject to any requirements of Wilmot Township planning and building officials; and
b. Authorize the Commissioner, Community Services to issue a Conditional Commitment Letter to transfer the Property to LYNC, valid for 18 months regarding the conveyance of the Property, in a form satisfactory to the Regional Solicitor.
2. That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo take the following actions with respect to CSD-HOU-23-002, Rapid Housing Initiative Round 3, to facilitate the creation of new affordable housing for vulnerable people under the Rapid Housing Initiative Round 3, as outlined in report CSD-HOU-23-002, dated January 10, 2023:
a. Authorize the Commissioner, Community Services to enter into an agreement with the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation under the Rapid Housing Initiative Round 3 in a form and content satisfactory to the Regional Solicitor;
b. Authorize the Chief Administrative Officer and Commissioner, Community Services to select project(s) for Rapid Housing Initiative Round 3 Cities Stream funding and apply for Project Stream funding based on the program guidelines and Region priorities identified in this Report;
c. Authorize the Commissioner, Community Services to submit the proposed projects under the Rapid Housing Initiative Round 3 to CMHC for approval for Cities Stream projects and consideration of Project Stream projects;
d. Authorize the Commissioner, Community Services to execute such agreements and documentation necessary with the Government of Canada and all approved project proponents as required as part of the Rapid Housing Initiative Round 3, being subject to the satisfaction of the Regional Solicitor; and
e. Authorize the Director and Assistant Director, Housing Services, to execute and deliver all documentation required by CMHC and the Region to fund the Rapid Housing Initiative Round 3 Cities Stream and Project Stream projects approved by CMHC and finalize the funding and conditions with the proponents.