That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo (Region) take the following action with respect to curbside waste collection service for Industrial, Commercial and Institutional (IC&I) properties located in designated downtown areas as set out in report EES-WMS-24-003, dated August 13, 2024:
- Approve Region administered and funded waste collection, processing and disposal service as identified as Option 1 in the Downtown Waste Services Review, as follows:
- Conversion to automated cart collection for organics and garbage collection
- Maintain blue box recycling, including dedicated cardboard collection
- Provision of a minimum of twice-weekly collection in the tri-city designated downtowns and weekly collection for the designated township downtowns and Belmont Village
- Expansion of the tri-city designated downtown collection areas to include the full geographic extent of their respective existing Business Improvement Areas (BIAs)
- Discontinuation of designated downtown public space/litter container collection service
- Delegation of waste by-law enforcement authority to local area municipalities
- Direct staff to negotiate and amend the recently executed residential waste collection contract with Halton Recycling Ltd. dba. Emterra Environmental to undertake this work, using provisional pricing provided under RFP P2023-33 Automated Cart-Based, and Manual Waste Collection, and Supply, Initial Distribution and On-Going Maintenance of Carts Within the Region of Waterloo, with contract commencement on March 2, 2026, to align with the termination of the existing waste collection contract.
- Discontinue the provision of blue box recycling to non-eligible sources, as defined by the new Blue Box Regulation (O. Reg. 391/21), for those properties located outside of the designated downtowns and that were previously eligible for Region administered blue box collection service.