1. That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo direct and authorize the Regional Solicitor to take the following actions with respect to the expropriation of lands for the remaining Farmers Market Trail Construction (Northfield Drive West from the railway corridor to the Northfield Drive / Parkside Drive intersection), in the City of Waterloo, as outlined in PDL-LEG-23-006, dated February 7, 2023.
1. Complete application(s) to the Council of The Regional Municipality of Waterloo, as may be required from time to time, for approval to expropriate land, which is required for construction and access of the multi-use trail along Northfield Drive West from the railway corridor to the Northfield Drive / Parkside Drive intersection, in the City of Waterloo, and described as follows:
Fee Simple Partial Taking:
i. Part of Lot 10, German Company Tract, being Parts 1, 2, 4 and 5 on 58R-21590, (Part of PIN 22281-0356 (LT)), City of Waterloo, Regional Municipality of Waterloo (580 Weber Street North, Waterloo).
Temporary Easement – Grading:
The right and easement, being a temporary easement in gross, for the free and unobstructed, right, interest and easement terminating on the 31st day of December, 2024, for itself, its successors and assigns, and anyone authorized by it, on, over, under and through the following property for the purposes of excavation, construction, installation, replacement, alteration, grading, and landscaping as required in connection with the construction and access of the multi-use trail along Northfield Drive West from the railway corridor to the Northfield Drive / Parkside Drive intersection, and all related improvements, and works ancillary thereto and for such purposes, the free, unimpeded and unobstructed access to the lands at all times by employees, agents, contractors, workers and anyone authorized by it, and vehicles, supplies and equipment at all times and for all purposes and things necessary for or incidental to the exercise and enjoyment of the right and easement:
ii. Part of Lot 10, German Company Tract, being Part 3 on 58R-21590, (Part of PIN 22281-0356 (LT)), City of Waterloo, Regional Municipality of Waterloo (580 Weber Street North, Waterloo).
2. Serve notices of the above applications(s) required by the Expropriations Act (the “Act”);
3. Forward to the Chief Inquiry Officer any requests for a hearing that may be received within the time prescribed by the Act;
4. Attend, with appropriate Regional staff, at any hearing that may be scheduled;
5. Discontinue expropriation proceedings or any part thereof, in respect of the above described lands, or any part thereof, upon the registration on title of the required documentation to complete a transaction whereby the required interests in the lands are conveyed or if otherwise deemed appropriate in the opinion of the Commissioner of Engineering and Environmental Services and the Regional Solicitor; and
6. Do all things necessary and proper to be done and report thereon to Regional Council in due course.
2. That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo lower the posted speed limit on New Dundee Road from 80 km/h to 60 km/h from 400 metres west of Robert Ferrie Drive to 550 metres west of Homer Watson Boulevard at the completion of the proposed roundabout at Robert Ferrie Drive currently planned for 2024, in the City of Kitchener, as outlined in Report, dated February 7, 2023.
3. That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo take the following action with respect to the next contract for curbside waste collection as set out in report EES-WMS-23-003, dated February 7, 2023:
- Maintain existing service levels and collection frequencies for garbage, organics, bulky and large metal items, yard waste and Christmas trees for single-family homes, duplexes, 3 to 6 unit buildings, and multi-family units and townhouses that meet truck-access criteria
- Convert to automated cart collection for garbage and green bin organics. (Items such as bulky or large metal items, yard waste and Christmas trees will continue to be collected manually)
- Include requirements for alternative fuel sources for collection vehicles to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Change the current service level of a five day collection week to a four day collection week (Tuesday to Friday); and,
That staff be directed to examine the level of service for curbside waste collection for Industrial, Commercial and Institutional (IC&I) properties that currently receive curbside collection and report back to Committee with options for consideration.