Councillor R. Deutschmann declared an indirect conflict of interest with respect to 7.1.2. CSD-CHS-23-001, Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) Growth Priority Areas as his spouse is the sole shareholder of a property where the only tenant is a daycare operator.
Peter Sweeney, Commissioner of Community Services introduced the report as well as Barb Cardow, Director, Children`s Services. B. Cardow provided a presentation on the Canada-Wide Early Leaning and Child Care (CWELCC) Growth Priority Areas, the presentation is attached to the agenda. She described the view of what a child is and how there should be a community mentality when considering child care. She also provided an overview of the CWELCC including organizational background. It was noted that on March 28, 2022, Ontario reached a $13.2 billion agreement with the federal government for program funding. The Region of Waterloo was allocated 1,871 new licensed child chare spaces and Staff have request an additional 997 spaces for growth. She referenced the thirteen priority areas in the Region of Waterloo based on low income data, as listed in report CSD-CHS-23-001, Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) Growth Priority Area. She identified, however, that the priority areas cannot be addressed if the ongoing workforce crisis is not addressed through the implementation of a province-wide salary and benefits grid and support for increased compensation of qualified child care educators and other ELCC staff.
In response to the Committee, B. Cardow confirmed that the growth priority workplan does consider immigration when determining the future child care needs. For example, the Region works in collaboration with Conestoga College to promote child care education programs to ensure there are enough workers to support increased need.
She further explained that Regionally funded child care centers have no minimum threshold for the number of families being served that are disadvantaged or the number of children enrolled with disabilities to receive funding. However, funding may be increased based on accommodation requirements.
The Committee expressed concern about child care waitlists and B. Cardow echoed these concerns and she highlighted the disparity in accessing child care based on low income, citizenship and race. She also noted that while the "OneList" is first come first serve basis there are other considerations, such as a parent being employed as a child care worker or a sibling of a child already being enrolled at the center.
The Committee suggested the use of Regional surplus properties to assist in the lack of available child care spaces. Bruce Lauckner, Chief Administrative Officer, confirmed that a report will be presented to Council regarding surplus properties.