That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo amend Schedule “A” of By-law 22-018 (Delegation By-law) to add the following new Section 115.1:
Column 1 (Document or Delegated Matter)
Agreements or other documentation to provide for the construction and installation of public or private infrastructure, connections, utilities, roadway and access improvements on Regional Roads or Regional lands by area municipalities and/or third parties to facilitate development of adjacent lands, at the cost of the area municipality and/or third party, subject to cost-sharing between the parties as appropriate, provided that:
such agreements provide for the payment of the applicable fees prescribed by the then current Regional Fees & Charges By-law
Column 2 (Signing Officer)
Commissioner, Transportation Services; or Commissioner, Engineering & Environmental Services whichever Commissioner’s department the work relates
(b) That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo amend Consolidated Schedule E: Transportation Services of By-law 23-062: A By-law to Establish Fees and Charges for the Regional Municipality of Waterloo and repeal By-law 23-009, as Amended to add the following new column:
Description: A Developer fee for Agreements to provide for the construction and installation of public or private infrastructure, connections, utilities, roadway and access improvements on Regional Roads or Regional lands by area municipalities and/or third parties.
Fee: $5,000.00
Applicable Taxes (+HST, Inclusive of HST, Exempt): + HST
As outlined in report EES-DCS-24-005, dated June 4, 2024.