Planning and Works Committee Minutes

Council Chambers
Members Present:
  • K. Redman, 
  • R. Deutschmann, 
  • J. Erb, 
  • S. Foxton, 
  • M. Harris, 
  • C. Huinink, 
  • C. James, 
  • J. Liggett, 
  • D. McCabe, 
  • J. Nowak, 
  • N. Salonen, 
  • S. Shantz, 
  • B. Vrbanovic, 
  • K. Williams, 
  • and P. Wolf 
Members Absent:
  • D. Craig 

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Start time is approximate. The Planning and Works Committee will start immediately following the Closed Committee.

Chair C. James called the meeting to order at 1:42 p.m.

Chair C. James provided a land acknowledgement.

  • Moved byS. Foxton
    Seconded byC. Huinink

    That the Planning and Works Committee reconvene into open session.

    In Favor (13)B. Vrbanovic, J. Erb, J. Nowak, K. Redman, S. Shantz, S. Foxton, D. McCabe, J. Liggett, P. Wolf, C. James, N. Salonen, C. Huinink, and K. Williams
    Carried (13 to 0)

There were no presentations.

Isaac Ransom, Head of Corporate Affairs, Neuron Mobility shared an update on the 2023 riding season for the micromobility program, noting that the first year of the pilot was successful by all accounts, including various safety events being held, an average rating of 4/5 by riders, and an economic impact of roughly $8.2 million. 

A copy of their presentation is attached to the minutes. 

Responding to questions from the Committee, I. Ransom noted that they would be happy to explore extending the service area and months of operation, as the batteries can operate in cold conditions with stability, and it is possible to disable the fleet quickly if needed, such as during a snow event. I. Ransom also shared that they are looking to continue to build interconnectivity to help support longer trips, and that Neuron Mobility would be willing to look at expansion in certain areas based on direction from Council, area municipalities, and staff. I. Ransom also shared that some soft parking infrastructure has been introduced, such as the parking mats, to help encourage proper and consistent parking.

In response to a question from the Committee, I. Ransom stated that the same impaired driving laws apply to operating Escooters and Ebikes as motor vehicles. I. Ransom shared that a variety of initiatives have been explored to help limit riders operating an Escooter or Ebike while impaired, such as a reaction game prior to activation, stickers and app notifications, safety events, and engaging with law enforcement. 

Responding to questions from the Committee, I. Ransom noted that Neuron Mobility is continuing to strive for a high compliance on helmet wearing and that insurance is provided to the riders, but if they void the terms, such as by not wearing a helmet, their eligibility for insurance would be assessed at the time of the incident. 

R. Deutschmann joined the meeting at 1:55 pm.

M. Harris joined the meeting at 1:56 PM. ()

Item 7.1.2 TSD-TRS-24-003, Grand River Transit Bus Stop Design Guidelines was removed from the consent agenda. 

M. Harris left the meeting at 2:18 PM. ()
  • Moved byS. Foxton
    Seconded byN. Salonen

    That the Consent Agenda items be received for information and approved.

    In Favor (14)B. Vrbanovic, J. Erb, J. Nowak, K. Redman, S. Shantz, S. Foxton, D. McCabe, J. Liggett, P. Wolf, C. James, R. Deutschmann, N. Salonen, C. Huinink, and K. Williams
    Carried (14 to 0)

Responding to questions from the Committee, Doug Spooner, Director Transit Services, noted that staff will look to correct wording in the guidelines, as residents that use MobilityPLUS may also be able to use conventional transit. D. Spooner also shared that waste receptacles at transit stops can be discussed on a case by case basis, as a lot of the stops are operated by other GRT partners. 

In response to a question from the Committee, D. Spooner noted that there is a capital budget for transit stop improvements, which includes implementing shelters and accessible pads. 

This report was received for information. 

Jennifer Rose, Commissioner, Engineering and Environmental Services introduced the report, sharing that this project is a really good example of how staff interacted with and engaged the community, and that staff will continue to work with the community and the Township of Woolwich. 

In response to a question from the Committee, J. Rose noted that the bridge is designated under the Ontario Heritage Act and that staff have been working closely with heritage groups to ensure that the heritage status and any funding that comes with that status is maintained. J. Rose also confirmed that remaining community concerns can be reviewed through the detailed design stage.

M. Harris joined the meeting at 2:28 PM. ()
  • Moved byS. Shantz
    Seconded byS. Foxton

    That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo:

    1. Approve the recommended rehabilitation design concept for the West Montrose Covered Bridge in the Township of Woolwich, as described in Report EES-DCS-24-002, dated February 6, 2024.

    2. Direct staff to file the Notice of Completion for this Class Environmental Assessment Study and to place the Environmental Study Report on the public record for a period of 30 days.

    3. Direct staff to work with the Township of Woolwich for the necessary amendments to the Heritage Designation By-law 60-2007, for Township of Woolwich Council approval.

    In Favor (15)B. Vrbanovic, J. Erb, J. Nowak, K. Redman, M. Harris, S. Shantz, S. Foxton, D. McCabe, J. Liggett, P. Wolf, C. James, R. Deutschmann, N. Salonen, C. Huinink, and K. Williams
    Carried (15 to 0)

Received for information. 

Received for information. 



  • Moved byJ. Liggett
    Seconded byC. Huinink

    That the meeting adjourn at 2:39 p.m.

    In Favor (15)B. Vrbanovic, J. Erb, J. Nowak, K. Redman, M. Harris, S. Shantz, S. Foxton, D. McCabe, J. Liggett, P. Wolf, C. James, R. Deutschmann, N. Salonen, C. Huinink, and K. Williams
    Carried (15 to 0)
No Item Selected