Amy Slack & Debra Spurrell, Cambridge Food Bank, provided a presentation which is attached to the agenda. A. Slack outlined how the Regional Peer Program positively impacts the Cambridge Food Bank to provide wholistic community support beyond nutrition. D. Spurrell expressed the importance of the Peer Programs and she highlighted that in 2022 there were almost 17,000 food baskets sold.
The Committee acknowledged the good works of the Food Bank on the overall health of the community.
In response to the Committee, A. Slack confirmed that there are 11 different mobile market locations and this initiative is being examined for expansion opportunities. She also confirmed that the Food Bank ensures there are options for individuals with dietary restrictions, culturally diverse needs, when seasonally available, and that there is six month supply of food contingency.
The Committee directed Staff to report on the feasibility of direct or indirect Regional assistance for the new Cambridge food bank facility to continue and to expand their services. Bruce Lauckner, Chief Administrative Officer, recognized the increased need for additional spaces due to the growth of these program throughout the Region and he noted that Staff have been in discussions with area municipalities about this increased need, specifically in Cambridge.