Community and Health Services Committee Minutes

Council Chambers
Members Present:
  • K. Redman, 
  • D. Craig, 
  • R. Deutschmann, 
  • J. Erb, 
  • S. Foxton, 
  • M. Harris, 
  • C. Huinink, 
  • C. James, 
  • J. Liggett, 
  • D. McCabe, 
  • J. Nowak, 
  • N. Salonen, 
  • S. Shantz, 
  • B. Vrbanovic, 
  • K. Williams, 
  • and P. Wolf 

Should you require an alternative format or a copy of the official minutes please contact the Regional Clerk at Tel.: 519-575-4400, TTY: 519-575-4605, or

Start time is approximate. The Community and Health Services Committee will start immediately following Closed Session.

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Chair J. Erb called the meeting to order at 11:12 a.m.

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Chair J. Erb provided a land acknowledgement.

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  • Moved byP. Wolf
    Seconded byC. James

    That Community Health Service Committee reconvene into open session.

    Carried (10 to 0)

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Rod Regier, Commissioner of Planning, Development, and Legislative Services, introduced report PDl-CUL-23-008 and Helen Chimirri-Russell, Director of Cultural Services. In his introductory remarks he noted that the proposed pilot funding program is funded by the Municipal Accommodations Tax, and is being presented for the Committee's consideration and approval. 

H. Chimirri-Russell provided background information and explained that in collaboration with area municipalities it was determined that the pilot program would be focused on funding Tourism and Tourism Visits in order to facilitate the broadest possible opportunity to apply for funding. The proposed pilot program will be evaluated after one year.

In response to the Committee, H. Chimirri-Russell noted that the proposed pilot program will provide funding on a retroactive basis to successful applicants in order to guarantee the tourism impact on the community.

  • Moved byC. James
    Seconded byP. Wolf

    That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo approve the Cultural Drivers of Tourism Pilot Grant Program Guidelines as outlined in report PDL-CUL-23-008, dated May 9, 2023.

    Carried (10 to 0)

Peter Sweeney, Commissioner of Community Services, provided background information on report CSD-EIS-23-001, specifically, that the Region of Waterloo is one of five municipalities in Ontario that is an Employment Ontario provider. Staff recommend that the Region remain an Employment Ontario provider through the next fiscal year to maintain the support for vulnerable individuals, as well as to provide Staff with the opportunity to evaluate feasible options going forward.

In response to the Committee, P. Sweeney explained that income and employment security are determinates of health, so it is important that the Region continues to support community members while exploring options for an impactful and financially viable program model in the future.

R. Deutschmann joined the meeting at 11:33 AM. ()
  • Moved byM. Harris
    Seconded byC. Huinink

    That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo continue to be an Employment Ontario (EO) provider until at least March 31, 2025 with the intent of evaluating whether it remains beneficial to the community and fiscally viable to remain an EO provider under the Service System Manager (SSM) model that comes into effect January 1, 2024, as outlined in report CSD-EIS-23-001 dated May 9, 2023.

    Carried (10 to 1)

Fauzia Baig, Director of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, provided a presentation which is attached to the agenda. She outlined the Community Safety and Well-Being Safety framework and specifically discussed the first year accomplishments of the Plan such as the Upstream Fund and areas of improvement. Connie Macdonald, Chief Communications & Strategy Officer, provided an overview of areas of growth for the second year of the framework initiatives. She also noted the priorities for the second year of the framework which include equitable evaluation and tracking model and symposiums to co-design and outcomes.

In response to the Committee, F. Baig confirmed that 41 organizations were provided funding in 2022 using the Upstream Fund initiatives. The Committee acknowledged the positive impact of these initiatives in the community.

Received for information.

K. Redman joined the meeting at 12:33 PM. ()
B. Vrbanovic joined the meeting at 12:33 PM. ()

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Amy Slack & Debra Spurrell, Cambridge Food Bank, provided a presentation which is attached to the agenda. A. Slack outlined how the Regional Peer Program positively impacts the Cambridge Food Bank to provide wholistic community support beyond nutrition. D. Spurrell expressed the importance of the Peer Programs and she highlighted that in 2022 there were almost 17,000 food baskets sold.

The Committee acknowledged the good works of the Food Bank on the overall health of the community.

In response to the Committee, A. Slack confirmed that there are 11 different mobile market locations and this initiative is being examined for expansion opportunities. She also confirmed that the Food Bank ensures there are options for individuals with dietary restrictions, culturally diverse needs, when seasonally available, and that there is six month supply of food contingency.

The Committee directed Staff to report on the feasibility of direct or indirect Regional assistance for the new Cambridge food bank facility to continue and to expand their services. Bruce Lauckner, Chief Administrative Officer, recognized the increased need for additional spaces due to the growth of these program throughout the Region and he noted that Staff have been in discussions with area municipalities about this increased need, specifically in Cambridge.

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There were no requests to remove items from the Consent Agenda.

  • Moved byS. Foxton
    Seconded byJ. Nowak

    That the Consent Agenda items be received for information and approved.

    Carried (14 to 0)

Regular Agenda


Strategic Focus – Healthy, Safe and Inclusive Communities


Julie Wheeler, Director of Senior's Services introduced Dr. Fred Mather, Medical Director of Sunnyside Home, and noted that he has worked at Sunnyside Home for 25 years and has provided the Medical Director's Report since 2004.

Dr. Mather provided a presentation which is attached to the agenda. The presentation discussed the lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, the effects of the Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021, an the Butterfly Project. He highlighted statistics related to Sunnyside Home such as the long term care resident COVID-19 deaths versus community death from March 1, 2023 to August 15, 2021. He noted that COVID-19 precautions are continuing at long term care facilities to prevent outbreaks. He also discussed the positives and negatives of the legislation Fixing Long Term Care Act such as the requirement for continued professional development. He concluded by providing an overview of the butterfly approach, that is utilized by Sunnyside Home, to ensure meaningful contact and care for residents with dementia.

In response to the Committee, J. Wheeler confirmed that the Region has a collaborative relationship with the Research Institute of Aging in Waterloo and work with them on various initiatives such as their research on palliative care. 

Received for information.

J. Liggett joined the meeting at 1:02 PM. ()
J. Liggett left the meeting at 1:06 PM. ()

R. Regier and Matthew Chandy, Director, Innovation & Economic Development, introduced the report PDL-ECD-23-009 and Alison Pearson, Manager, Children & Youth Planning Table, and Abdullah, youth representative. A. Pearson provided a brief description of the Children & Youth Planning Table which is a community-wide partnership that includes over 800 service providers, researchers, planning bodies, and funders serving children, youth, and families in Waterloo Region. Abdullah provided an overview of the youth impact survey and how the feedback from the survey will assist in identifying areas of need for youth in the community.

In response to the Committee, A. Pearson agreed that diversity in youth engagement and that collaboration with community organization such as kidsability are key priorities. She requested that Regional Council champion the impact survey as its important that the youth know that the survey is beneficial to the Community.

Received for information.

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R. Deutschmann provided an acknowledgment regarding a news article, which is attached to the original minutes.

Chair J. Erb highlighted the good works of Regional Housing Services and specifically the housing shelters built on Erb St. He encouraged this type of collaboration between with community partners and Regional Staff as the Region continues to address homelessness in the community.

The Committee reminded Staff that of the direction to establish a process and framework for the 2024 budget to consider funding requests with the lens of diversity, equity and inclusion. Additionally, the Committee noted that the proposed process and framework should be presented to the Committee prior to the 2024 budget, so that it can be established to utilize during budget discussions.

In response the the Committee. P. Sweeney confirmed that many of the individuals living at the three largest encampments were offered spaces at the shelter site on 1001 Erb’s Road. He also confirmed that Staff will be bringing a report on encampments to the May 24th Council meeting.

Responding to the Committee, C. Dyer explained that reserves and reserve funds usage is determined by the Region's policy which are reported on in the annual audited financial statements and they are predominantly used for funding capital projects.

N. Salonen joined the meeting at 1:44 PM. ()

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The next Community and Health Services meeting will be held on June 6, 2023.

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  • Moved byS. Foxton
    Seconded byC. Huinink

    That the meeting adjourn at 1:53 p.m.

    Carried (15 to 0)