Community and Health Services Committee Minutes

Council Chambers
Members Present:
  • K. Redman, 
  • D. Craig, 
  • R. Deutschmann, 
  • J. Erb, 
  • S. Foxton, 
  • M. Harris, 
  • C. Huinink, 
  • C. James, 
  • J. Liggett, 
  • D. McCabe, 
  • J. Nowak, 
  • N. Salonen, 
  • S. Shantz, 
  • B. Vrbanovic, 
  • K. Williams, 
  • and P. Wolf 

Should you require an alternative format or a copy of the official minutes please contact the Regional Clerk at Tel.: 519-575-4400, TTY: 519-575-4605, or

Start time is approximate. The Community and Health Services Committee will start immediately following the Administration and Finance Committee.

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Chair J. Erb called the meeting to order at 9:37 a.m.

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Chair J. Erb provided a land acknowledgement.

Councillor R. Deutschmann declared an indirect conflict of interest with respect to 7.1.2. CSD-CHS-23-001, Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) Growth Priority Areas as his spouse is the sole shareholder of a property where the only tenant is a daycare operator.

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Ken Seiling,  Chair of the Grand Philharmonic Choir, provided a brief overview of his concerns related to the recommended motion in item 7.1.1 "PDL-CUL-23-004, Collaborative Municipal Funding for Key Cultural Institutions". Although he supports the funding provided in aforementioned recommendation, he raised the concern that the recommendation did not include the operational funding of $32,000 to the Grand Philharmonic Choir. He highlighted the cultural community impacts of the organization and its collaboration with other community organizations, such as the Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony. He contended that the Grand Philharmonic Choir meets the grant program criteria for Regional funding and that the Region of Waterloo should approve its operational funding on an annual basis.

Rod Regier, Commissioner of Planning, Development, and Legislative Services introduced the report and Helen Chimirri-Russell for her to provide further context. She provided background related to the grant program and that its current criteria has been in practice since 2016.

In response to the Committee, H. Chimirri-Russell explained that the eligibility criteria will be updated and presented to the Committee in the next cycle, however, there are budgetary considerations for expanding the organizations considered on the list.

The Committee discussed directing Staff to review the eligibility criteria for funding for Key Cultural Institutions grant program, to be more inclusive and equitable of organizations across area municipalities. And they discussed the recommended motion, with consideration of amending it to include the requested operational funding for the Grand Philharmonic Choir of $32,000.

Following these discussions, the Committee decided to defer the motions discussed under item 7.1.1. PDL-CUL-23-004, Collaborative Municipal Funding for Key Cultural Institutions to the April 19, 2023 Council meeting.

The Committee also expressed concerns related to the potential hardship on current community programs that require funding, while ensuring diversity, equity and inclusivity are being upheld by supporting new grant programs, given there is such limited funding available.

K. Williams left the meeting at 10:46 AM. ()
K. Williams joined the meeting at 10:48 AM. ()
  • Moved byP. Wolf
    Seconded byJ. Liggett

    That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo approve the 2023 funding allocations of $385,725 to the Kitchener Waterloo Symphony and $385,725 to THEMUSEUM under the Key Cultural Institutions grant program as outlined in report PDL-CUL-23-004 dated April 4, 2023.

  • Moved byD. Craig
    Seconded byB. Vrbanovic

    That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo defer the direction to staff to review the eligibility criteria for funding for Key Cultural Institutions grant program, to be more inclusive and equitable of organizations across area municipalities.

  • Moved byS. Shantz
    Seconded byD. McCabe

    That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo defer the motion discussed under item 7.1.1. PDL-CUL-23-004, Collaborative Municipal Funding for Key Cultural Institutions to the April 19, 2023 Council meeting.

    Carried (14 to 2)

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  • Moved byS. Foxton
    Seconded byC. Huinink

    That the Consent Agenda items be received for information and approved.

    Carried (16 to 0)
  • Moved byS. Foxton
    Seconded byC. Huinink

    That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo support a temporary public art installation along the ION Rapid Transit corridor and GRT bus route as part of the Contemporary Art Forum Kitchener and Area (CAFKA) biennial public art festival with funding up to $20,000 from the Public Art Reserve, as set out in report PDL-CUL-23-005, dated April 4, 2023.


Regular Agenda


Strategic Focus - Thriving Economy


Councillor R. Deutschmann declared an indirect conflict of interest with respect to 7.1.2. CSD-CHS-23-001, Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) Growth Priority Areas as his spouse is the sole shareholder of a property where the only tenant is a daycare operator.

Peter Sweeney, Commissioner of Community Services introduced the report as well as Barb Cardow, Director, Children`s Services. B. Cardow provided a presentation on the Canada-Wide Early Leaning and Child Care (CWELCC) Growth Priority Areas, the presentation is attached to the agenda. She described the view of what a child is and how there should be a community mentality when considering child care. She also provided an overview of the CWELCC including organizational background. It was noted that on March 28, 2022, Ontario reached a $13.2 billion agreement with the federal government for program funding. The Region of Waterloo was allocated 1,871 new licensed child chare spaces and Staff have request an additional 997 spaces for growth. She referenced the thirteen priority areas in the Region of Waterloo based on low income data, as listed in report CSD-CHS-23-001, Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) Growth Priority Area. She identified, however, that the priority areas cannot be addressed if the ongoing workforce crisis is not addressed through the implementation of a province-wide salary and benefits grid and support for increased compensation of qualified child care educators and other ELCC staff.

In response to the Committee, B. Cardow confirmed that the growth priority workplan does consider immigration when determining the future child care needs. For example, the Region works in collaboration with Conestoga College to promote child care education programs to ensure there are enough workers to support increased need. 

She further explained that Regionally funded child care centers have no minimum threshold for the number of families being served that are disadvantaged or the number of children enrolled with disabilities to receive funding. However, funding may be increased based on accommodation requirements.

The Committee expressed concern about child care waitlists and B. Cardow echoed these concerns and she highlighted the disparity in accessing child care based on low income, citizenship and race. She also noted that while the "OneList" is first come first serve basis there are other considerations, such as a parent being employed as a child care worker or a sibling of a child already being enrolled at the center.

The Committee suggested the use of Regional surplus properties to assist in the lack of available child care spaces. Bruce Lauckner, Chief Administrative Officer, confirmed that a report will be presented to Council regarding surplus properties. 

  • Moved byK. Redman
    Seconded byJ. Nowak

    That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo approve the recommended allocation of new licensed Child Care spaces related to the Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) growth mandate and the request for additional 997 Child Care spaces from the Ministry of Education to meet legislated population-based targets, as outlined in CSD-CHS-23-001, dated April 4, 2023.

    And that the Regional Municipality of Waterloo direct the Regional Chair to advocate with the Province of Ontario regarding the need for appropriate wages and benefits for Early Childhood Educators.

    And further that the Regional Municipality of Waterloo direct the Regional Chair to advocate with the Province of Ontario regarding sufficient funding for capital improvements for new and existing facilities that would address the need for additional child care spaces. 

    Carried (15 to 0)

John Riches, Chief of Paramedic Services, provided a presentation on Paramedic Services 2022 Response Time Performance, the presentation is attached to the agenda. He provided an overview of the response time statistics and he noted that the supported response system is projected to improve the response times. 

Received for information.

Kevin Petranda, Deputy Chief of Paramedic Services, provided a brief presentation which is attached to the agenda. He highlighted the indicators utilized in determining the key performance measurement.

In response to the Committee, J. Riches identified that off-load delays have caused major strain on paramedic services. He advised that the Staff have been consulting local hospitals. Further, he noted that with the help of Memorial Cambridge Hospital there is currently an 8-week pilot project underway to divert patients with mental health and addictions concerns to the designated clinic in the Hospital. If the pilot project is successful, it would be helpful in advocating the province for alternative destination clinic in the community.

Received for information.

Peter Sweeney, Commissioner of Community Services, introduced representative Ryan Voisin, Designer Director, from the Overlap Associates. They provided a status update on the Plan to End Chronic Homelessness project and he noted that he is collaborating with Staff to ensure the new Regional Strategic Plan includes this project. They reiterated the importance of collaboration with individuals with lived expertise. 

The Committee acknowledged the work of Staff and requested that local area municipalities be added to the provided co-creator list. 

In response to the Committee, P. Sweeney clarified the definition of chronic homelessness as the Region defines it is six months of continuous homelessness. He further explained that the proposed plan to end chronic homelessness is aspirational, but will be a detailed road map that will be be a arduous process. The Committee expressed concern that the language of "ending chronic homelessness" is unrealistic and not inclusive of invisible homelessness. 

Responding to the Committee, P. Sweeney confirmed that the Region will be continuing its shelter services as the Plan to End Chronic Homelessness is in progress. 

Received for information.

M. Harris left the meeting at 11:45 AM. ()
M. Harris joined the meeting at 12:26 PM. ()
D. Craig left the meeting at 12:27 PM. ()
M. Harris left the meeting at 12:38 PM. ()
K. Williams left the meeting at 12:38 PM. ()
K. Williams joined the meeting at 12:41 PM. ()

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P. Sweeney provided an update on the Erb St. shelter site and noted the construction challenges, with respect to the common area, have delayed the project from April 15th to the end of the month.

Received for information.

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In response to the Committee, P. Sweeney will look at the One Roof security funding item to update the anticipated completion date. The Committee also requested that Staff add an item to the tracking list regarding an update on the Anti-Racism Advisory Working Group and that the working group be included in the update to the Committee.

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The Committee noted that Fashion History Museum is holding events in upcoming months.

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The next Community and Health Services meeting will be May 9, 2023.

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  • Moved byD. McCabe
    Seconded byK. Williams

    That a closed meeting of the Planning and Works, Administration and Finance, and Community and Health Services Committees be held on Tuesday, April 4, 2023 immediately following the Community and Health Services Committee in the Waterloo County Room, in accordance with Section 239 of the “Municipal Act, 2001”, for the purposes of considering the following subject matters:

    1. Labour relations
    2. Financial information, supplied in confidence to the Region from the Government of Canada;
    3. Financial information, supplied in confidence to the Region from the Government of Ontario;
    4. Providing direction to staff on a plan to be applied to negotiations related to a potential acquisition of lands;
    5. Receiving advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege related to a proposed disposition of lands
    6. Financial information, supplied in confidence to the Region from a community organization; and
    7. Receiving advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege related to instructions to be applied to ongoing negotiations.
    Carried (14 to 0)

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  • Moved byS. Foxton
    Seconded byP. Wolf

    That the meeting adjourn at 1:12 p.m.

    Carried (14 to 0)