Strategic Planning and Budget Committee Minutes

Council Chambers
Members Present:
  • K. Redman, 
  • R. Deutschmann, 
  • J. Erb, 
  • S. Foxton, 
  • M. Harris, 
  • C. Huinink, 
  • C. James, 
  • J. Liggett, 
  • D. McCabe, 
  • J. Nowak, 
  • N. Salonen, 
  • S. Shantz, 
  • B. Vrbanovic, 
  • K. Williams, 
  • and P. Wolf 
Members Absent:
  • D. Craig 

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Chair M. Harris called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.

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Chair Harris provided a land acknowledgement.

There were no declarations of pecuniary interest. 

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Matt Gemmel, Director of Policy and Research for FCM provided a presentation on new municipal growth framework outlining limitations of the current framework, policy priorities, overview of revenue options, and criteria for evaluating new revenue options. A copy of the presentation is appended to the original agenda. 

Chair M. Harris noted that a request to bring forward a notice of motion from Chair K. Redman. The Committee consented to the notice of motion concerning municipal fiscal framework. Members of the Committee discussed the motion, noting the need for funding from different levels of government, the growth of the population in the region, provincial responsibilities, and the need for social support from the Province of Ontario. A request was made to amend the proposed motion, which was approved by the Committee.

K. Williams joined the meeting at 1:06 PM. ()
J. Liggett joined the meeting at 1:11 PM. ()
  • Moved byK. Redman
    Seconded byJ. Erb

    That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo waive notice of motion as per section 70 of By-law 22-051, A By-law to Provide Rules for Governing the Proceedings of Council and its Committees, and to repeal By-Law 00-031, as amended.

    In Favor (15)B. Vrbanovic, J. Erb, J. Nowak, K. Redman, M. Harris, S. Shantz, S. Foxton, D. McCabe, J. Liggett, P. Wolf, C. James, R. Deutschmann, N. Salonen, C. Huinink, and K. Williams
    Carried (15 to 0)
  • Moved byK. Redman
    Seconded byJ. Erb

    WHEREAS the Region of Waterloo’s population will grow to 1 million by 2050;

    and WHEREAS property taxation and existing outdated revenue tools are inadequate to fund both the social supports and critical infrastructure needed to accommodate that growth;  

    and WHEREAS the residents and businesses in the Region of Waterloo now contribute $150 million in property taxes annually to fund services that should be financed from provincial and federal revenues; 

    and WHEREAS Canadian municipalities own and manage over 60% of all public infrastructure in the country; 

    and WHEREAS the expectations of municipal governments are misaligned with municipalities’ ability to generate revenue to pay for services; 

    and WHEREAS the Province of Ontario has struck a steering committee to assist the City of Toronto with a new, yet to be determined municipal fiscal framework; 


    • The Region of Waterloo formally requests that the Province of Ontario commit to a new municipal fiscal funding framework for the Region of Waterloo in order to maintain sustainable service delivery and sound infrastructure within Waterloo Region;
    • The Region of Waterloo requests that the Province of Ontario and Government of Canada undertake an open and transparent review of the current municipal fiscal framework in order to ensure the long term sustainability of municipalities and work in collaboration with municipalities to develop a revenue model that supports future growth; and
    • A copy of this motion and supporting letter be circulated to all Ontario municipalities requesting them to also pass a similar motion, all Waterloo Region Members of Parliament and Members of Provincial Parliament, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM).
    • That this be circulated to the Prime Minister, Federal Minister of Finance, the Premier of Ontario, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing and the Ontario Minister of Finance requesting a committee or task force to be formed address this issue.
    In Favor (15)B. Vrbanovic, J. Erb, J. Nowak, K. Redman, M. Harris, S. Shantz, S. Foxton, D. McCabe, J. Liggett, P. Wolf, C. James, R. Deutschmann, N. Salonen, C. Huinink, and K. Williams
    Carried (15 to 0)
  • Moved byN. Salonen
    Seconded byS. Foxton

    Amend the proposed motion to add the following language:

    • A copy of this motion and supporting letter be circulated to all Ontario municipalities requesting them to also pass a similar motion, all Waterloo Region Members of Parliament and Members of Provincial Parliament, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM).
    • That this be circulated to the Prime Minister, Federal Minister of Finance, the Premier of Ontario, minister of municipal affairs and housing and the Ontario Minister of Finance requesting a committee or task force to be formed address this issue.
    In Favor (15)B. Vrbanovic, J. Erb, J. Nowak, K. Redman, M. Harris, S. Shantz, S. Foxton, D. McCabe, J. Liggett, P. Wolf, C. James, R. Deutschmann, N. Salonen, C. Huinink, and K. Williams
    Carried (15 to 0)

Connie MacDonald, Chief Communications and Strategy Officer, and Craig Dyer, Commissioner, Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer provided a presentation outlining the strategic plan, economic environment, 2024 budget overview, and the budget review process and timetable. 

In response to a question from the Committee, C. MacDonald clarified that performance development plans are individualized plans held by each regional staff leader. These plans set out the actions they are responsible for in alignment with the annual strategic plan. Whereas, ongoing performance measurement tracking and services involves quarterly reports to track progress towards the annual plan and budget, along with providing community updates on the progress of the strategic plan's achievements. 

C. Dyer continued the presentation and responded to Councillor questions regarding inflation rates. He emphasized that while current inflation rates may be lower than they were a year ago, this does not translate to lower prices. Instead, it signifies that prices have risen more than the previous rate, stressing the importance of the cumulative impact of inflation. 

C. Dyer mentioned that the staff would be offering additional details regarding the cost savings achieved by transitioning to electric vehicles in the region to the Committee. 

In response to a question from the Committee, C. Dyer highlighted the increase in eligible development growth within the region in 2023 compared to the previous year. This increase primarily stems from a notable rise in the issuance of industrial building permits eligible for discounts in 2023, contrasting with the figures from 2022. Additionally, he clarified that exemptions for building affordable homes are not applicable in 2023 due to their coverage under the Development Charges Act; they do not fall under discretionary exemptions that the region must finance.

C. Dyer noted the anticipated implications of Bill 23 on development charges. These effects will present several impacts, including the requirement for a 5-year phase-in of development charge rates when a new bylaw is introduced. This phased rate rollout carries associated costs for the municipality. While a  background study has not yet been conducted, it will be brought to the Administration and Finance Committee in early 2024. The second impact pertains to mandatory discounts applicable to rental housing, contingent on unit size, affecting the development charges collected. Additionally, certain costs that were previously eligible for development charge recovery are no longer eligible, notably expenses related to studies. Staff are still awaiting clarification from the Province on the definitions of affordable and attainable housing.

C. Dyer continued the presentation and provided a high level overview of the 2024 budget. 

In response to inquiries, C. Dyer clarified that calculating a tax bill involves two key components: the municipal levy and the assessment. The fact that property assessments are based on a January 1, 2016 value has no bearing on the region's levy and does not impact the region's budget. Furthermore, the longer assessments remain outdated, the greater the potential for some properties to overpay on taxes while others underpay. Delaying a reassessment update increases the likelihood of significant shifts in tax burdens across different properties, resulting in a misalignment of tax payments at the property level.

  • Moved byR. Deutschmann
    Seconded byC. Huinink

    That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo waive notice of motion as per section 70 of By-law 22-051, A By-law to Provide Rules for Governing the Proceedings of Council and its Committees, and to repeal By-Law 00-031, as amended.

    In Favor (9)B. Vrbanovic, D. McCabe, J. Liggett, P. Wolf, C. James, R. Deutschmann, N. Salonen, C. Huinink, and K. Williams
    Opposed (6)J. Erb, J. Nowak, K. Redman, M. Harris, S. Shantz, and S. Foxton
    Defeated (9 to 6)

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  • That the meeting adjourn at x:xx x.m.

    In Favor (15)B. Vrbanovic, J. Erb, J. Nowak, K. Redman, M. Harris, S. Shantz, S. Foxton, D. McCabe, J. Liggett, P. Wolf, C. James, R. Deutschmann, N. Salonen, C. Huinink, and K. Williams
    Carried (15 to 0)