Theresa Mendler, Manager, Processing Centre and Kaileigh Pfaff, Supervisor, Administrative Penalties (AP) Program spoke to the report, providing an update on the transition to a Regional AP Program in Fall 2024 to support the Municipal Speed Camera (formerly referred to as Automated Speed Enforcement) expansion.
In response to a question from the Committee, Mathieu Goetzke, Acting Chief Administrative Officer, explained that the program was established at Council's request. He noted that discussions began in June 2023 and continued with an in-depth conversation at the end of 2023. Currently, under Council's direction, the foundational elements are being prepared for a November 2024 launch.
K. Pfaff responded to questions from the Committee with regards to the distinct differences between speeding infraction fine amounts in school zones as opposed to Community Safety Zones. She clarified that under the Highway Traffic Act, speeding fines within a school zone follow the regular set fines schedule, however speeding infractions under the AP Program include both school zones and community safety zones, and therefore are calculated under the community safety zone schedule in the Highway Traffic Act and the proposed fine schedule in Ontario regulation 355/22. She highlighted that it is important to recognize that all other municipalities in Ontario currently operate their speed enforcement programs, whether in school zones or community safety zones, using the proposed fine schedule.
In response to questions, Cheryl Braan, Acting Chief Financial Officer, explained that the Provincial Offences Act (POA) court system is not equipped to handle the volume of infractions anticipated from the municipal speed cameras. As a result, all additional revenue generated is allocated to the reserve for road safety initiatives. M. Goetzke added that the budget was developed based on the doubling of fines in community safety zones.
B. Vrbanovic introduced a motion to defer the proposed recommendation.
The Committee directed staff to examine the issue of warrants, address the identified concerns, and initiate preliminary discussions with area municipalities, with a report back to the Committee in October 2024.